Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30

I spent my day out yesterday doing several things.  One of our band members broke his hip and is in the hospital.  I bought flowers and a card and went by to see him.  He is doing really well given he had a partial hip replacement.

I went down to Barnes and Noble because my NOOK wouln't work and got some help.  It is just like everything else in the electronic universe.  You have to turn these devices off sometimes.  I guess I didn't do that enough.  Hung out at the book store for awhile.  I love to browse.  Came home with 4 books.

I did a little shopping and went to the grocery store. 

Tracy is working out OK but she is not Marsha.  She doesn't do as much but she does what I specifically ask her to do so can't complain.  Said Cowboy ate all his lunch and was content.

I worked on pictures all day today.  Am just getting started.  This is going to take a while.  It will keep my mind occupied for a bit so is good therapy, and it is so hot just can't even think about getting Cowboy out.  It was 103 today.

Tomorrow we take Cowboy to the periodontist.  We are having his teeth cleaned every three months.  It is hard to get him to brush like he should.  Hopefully this will keep his mouth healthy.

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