Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday, October 7

It turned chilly yesterday.  Didn't get above 60.  It will be back in the 80's by tomorrow.  Will be great weather for the patio.  Yes, it is finished !  Well, almost.  The gate is not up.  The furniture is put together, thanks to a handyman, and I have a makeshift gate, thanks to a neighbor, and we are ready to let Cowboy and the pup spend some time outside.  We should have really good weather for a couple of months anyway.

Still waiting on the stained glass transom.  Three weeks ago they said it would be 2 weeks so hopefully soon.  Once that is in and the wall is finished I will feel like we have finished all the projects I envisioned early this year.  I guess then I will make a new list.

We have a new neighbor who plays piano beautifully and she and I are going to try to so some things together.  She came over Thursday and we practiced.  Cowboy really seemed to enjoy it.  Mostly easy listening stuff.  When we did Tennessee waltz he got up and kind of danced around.  It is true, what they say about dementia patients responding to music.

The picture project continues and keeps growing legs.  The guest room is top to bottom with piles.  It is fun, and sad, and joyous and heart bursting.  So many memories.  Sometimes Cowboy will wander in and I will show him a picture.  Yesterday I found a picture of a german shepard dog he had many years ago named Buddy.  He actually responded to it a little bit.  Also, he had this big red pontiac convertible and I found a picture of it.  These things were before my time but he has spoken of them with pride and happiness.    I may be at this for a month but it has needed doing for a very long time so why not now?

My daughter that lives in New York is coming for a visit later this month.  Haven't seen her in a year and am looking forward to it.

It is 8:40 and Cowboy is still asleep but he will be up soon.  I am fixing blueberry pancakes and sausage for him this morning.  Just about his favorite meal. 

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