The weather yesterday and today has been beautiful. Here in the middle of January, go figure !
I took the dog and walked a long time yesterday afternoon. She had a ball but got tired at the end. (me too)
I went to see Cowboy today. I finally took a multi-picture frame and managed to get it hung without breaking it. We watched TV, read the paper (he looked at the comics). They brought his lunch so I watched him eat and snitched a tiny bit of his roast beef. He had left it. Still isn't liking the taste of beef I think. He ate everything else.
We went outside and walked around a little bit. He used his walker but still seemed tired after a very short time. We just took our time, then sat on a bench for a while.
Today was very hard for me because I could tell something was a little different. Out of intuition I asked him if he knew my name. He thought about it, seemed confused and then said he did not. I told him my name was Lena Sue but he could call me Sweetheart. He just smiled.
I asked him if he knew his childrens names. He said yes and when I asked what they were he said Jamie and Louise. We do not have children, grandchildren or great grandchildren with those names. Don't have a clue why he said that. A good deal of the time today he seemed to be in some dream world of his own.
I stayed about 3 hours and came home. Walked the dog again. The walks really help me to cope and she loves it. Good for both of us.
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