Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13

I went to see Cowboy yesterday.  He was in the common area with about 6 guys watching about 4 others play a game with a beach ball and a large piece of nylon.  They were bouncing the ball around with the piece of nylon.  Seemed to be having a good time.  Cowboy was in a good mood.

I took him to his room, made him take out his dentures, washed them real good and had him brush his teeth.  I know they remind him but he is not doing it regularly.  It just makes me crazy.  A friend told me the thing to do was just take his dentures home and forget it.  (When lunch came it included corn on the cob which Cowboy loves and cannot eat without his teeth.)

It was too cold and wet to go out and walk around so we just stayed in his room and watched TV until lunchtime.  He ate all his lunch.  It appears he almost always does. 

I forgot to bring his other hat.  I must remember to do that Thursday.

After we visited I took my sewing equipment (embroidary machine and serger) to a shop for them to sell on consignment.  I haven't touched it in two years or more and it is a shame for it to sit there and corrode and lose value. 

I have kind of reached the conclusion that I am content just trying to get exercise, visitng with friends, my music and reading.  I am simplifying my life as much as I can.  It actually makes you feel "lighter".  Not sure about my photography.  Haven't done much with it either but I do enjoy it.  We will see.

This morning I got Cowboy's hat out, the razor blades I bought him, a little valentine elephant I bought him and candy for the staff.  I found out yesterday that they have only a few CD's and a lot of them are old and scratched.  I went through my very large collection and am taking a pile of CD's of classical, western, old favorites and some relaxation CD's for Gil to use.  Will have a bunch to carry in tomorrow!

I have a Dr's appointment today and I am working on the pile of laundry.

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