Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday, June 9

I spent a good deal of Thursday going to Austin to Camp Mabry to get a new ID card.  Ft Hood is a little closer but you have to make an appointment, stand in line, let active duty ahead of you, etc.  so Camp Mabry turned out to be a good thing.  No line.

Went to the PX while I was there.  Small but surprisingly diverse.  Picked up a few little items.

Friday I had planned to go to a Home and Garden show but found I was just too lazy to do it.  Is this about getting older or just plain laziness, not sure.  In the PM I took some items to have them hemmed and went and got a haircut.  I have taken to watching Jeopardy at 4 so had to come home and do that.  The questions are challenging so it is a good brain workout.  I do really well in some categories and really lousy in others.

Saturday AM I went to dulcimer practice and then headed over to see Cowboy.  He was watching TV.  We   went out and checked out the flowers.  He always can spot a weed or flower that needs debudding and I really think the exercise is well worth it.  We walked around in the outdoor area for a while and then went in.  He did pretty well.

I enjoyed staying in today and doing a little laundry and reading the paper.  Also took a nice long walk this morning.  It had been raining but quit about 10:30 or so.  Nice day.

I seem to be having really vivid dreams of late.  They are like whole movies and go on and on.  Not sure what that is telling me.  They don't make a lot of sense and I try to interpret them but not good at it.  Last night I went to my neighbors (very nice fellow, across the street) and cleaned his carpets on my hands and knees.  Am I feeling appreciative of all the little things he does for me?  Then he came to my house, only the front yard was submerged in several feet of water.  He and Cowboy were in bathing suits, drinking large quantities of beer with their feet dangling in the water.   I went in the house and was glad to see a rug at the front door.  For some reason the house was not flooded.    weird......

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