Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17

I had no idea it had been so long since I posted until I got an email today from one of my followers wanting to know if everything was OK.  It is.  I guess the time is just running by so fast I can't keep up.  They say that happens when you get older.  It must be true.

I have been sort of busy but have no real excuse for being so tardy.  I will just hit the high points.  One of my problems is I have been sleeping in a bit.  It is "cedar season" and I am suffering with headaches, runny nose, stopped up sinuses, etc.  Pretty miserable.  I use a spray and take pills but it has been overwhelming.  Anyway, the weather man says it is the worst it has been in years.  Whatever made me think I would do well in the heart of cedar country?  (actually it is a juniper tree, they just call it cedar for some reason).

Cowboy is doing OK.  I was over this past Saturday and we had a nice visit and then was back this Wednesday.  He seems OK with the two times a week.  Since he generally has no idea what time it is or what date it is it is working OK.

I got all wrapped up in Emergency management stuff this past few days.  We had the Resident Ed sub committee meeting on Monday and I was asked to take minutes (hate doing it, but was for a friend).  Then yesterday  some of us met with the CA Board to answer their questions on a project we are working on.  We like to make things as difficult as possible around here sometimes !

Had a ladies coffee this morning and then I went and had a much needed pedicure.  I told my daughter that my toenails were curling around the end of my toes.  I then went to What A Burger and had one of their new menu items, a patty melt.  It was good but they put way too much butter on the bread.  (probably isn't butter but some substance that I should not eat).

I will be going to dulcimer rehearsal in the morning and then over to see Cowboy.  It is supposed to be 68 tomorrow so will be good walking weather.

Oh, and by the way I have gone to a step class and two long walks this week so am getting in some exercise.

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