Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, March 30

It doesn't seem possible that it is almost April.  The bluebonnets are blooming everywhere and I hope to have a little time to drive around and look at some of them.  It's not something you see in Dallas.

Cowboy turns 84 on Friday and I have bought him a card and plan to get cupcakes for everyone when I go back to see him Friday.  In the meantime must focus on packing.

I packed all day yesterday to the point of exhaustion but made good progress.  How do we accumulate so much stuff?  I look at something and try to think about getting rid of it and have a hard time doing so.  I have been cleaning out and downsizing for a year and still have way too much stuff !!

Why would anyone need two roasting pans and two big pots and two of practically everything in the kitchen and then I think about how much my daughter likes to cook and decide to hang on to it.

I went to see Cowboy this morning.  Went early and stayed until about 2.  He was doing OK.  There is a new resident that follows him around and is constantly asking him how to get out of the home and how to call for a bus and how to find an unlocked door.  Cowboy is rather cross with him and it is not helping Cowboy's mood much.  Hopefully the fellow will settle in and be a bit less agitated.  He kept asking me if I would call him a bus, if I would take him home, if I knew how to get out of there? I asked him his name but he didn't answer me.  His wife came around about 11 and stayed maybe 20 minutes and left.  It must be hard to deal with him and not have any good answers.

I decided to take it easy today.  My body is sore and I needed a break.  Took a long walk and have been catching up on my reading.  Nice day and beautiful outside although a bit windy.

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