I was concerned wouldn't get to pick up Cowboy's glasses so called and asked that they mail them to him, care of the social worker. I called her and told her to let him have one pair when they came.
The painters finished on Wednesday and it looks beautiful. They helped me move some of the furniture into place but didn't seem any too happy about it. They were more tired than I. Just beginning to feel like things are getting done and soon will have a "normal" home. Then in the evening I noticed water on the floor in my bedroom. First thought it was from a paint bucket or something and the painters had done it. Upon further investigation I discovered water was coming into the bedroom from the other end of the room and there was water the whole length of the room on one side. horrors !! now what.
Let us return to that time when we had the inspector out before we bought the house. He had identified a faucet leak on the east side of the house. It was supposedly fixed. I had checked it after I moved in and couldn't turn it on with my arthritic hands and had just let it go. Well, guess what folks, there is a break in the pipe in the slab and they had just plugged up around the faucet and not actually fixed the problem. The painters turned on the faucet to clean brushes and such and that caused the water to come in the house. As long as the faucet is not turned on it is OK so mopped up and am waiting on the plumber on Tuesday.
I have some homework to do but I think it will be appropriate to go back to the sellers and raise some heck. I have a home warranty that will cover the repair of the leak but what about the floor and the woodwork and all that? Insurance has a $2000 deductible. The fun just goes on and on. I just thought I had my bedroom just right.
I have a lot of product left over and had been thinking about putting the new tile the two smaller bathrooms and was in the process of looking into that. Will still have some to turn in for credit, or maybe not.
I went to see Cowboy yesterday. His glasses had arrived but the social worker had given them to the dept head and they were still on her desk. They wanted them labeled with his name. I took a bit of tape and put his name on it and wrapped it around the side piece.
He wants me to bring him some of his cowboy boots. I talked to the physical therapist and we made a deal. I am going to take them to the therapist and he is going to see if Cowboy can walk OK with them. He talked to Cowboy and asked him if he got his boots would he use his walker. Cowboy said "I don't know". He is convinced he doesn't need it anymore and it is a challenge to get him to use it.
We had a nice lunch and he seems in pretty good spirits. Traffic was terrible coming and going. ugh
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