Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 17

My plans today were to take Cowboy to the respite care at the church and go to book club and then get a couple of watch batteries, go see about my traffic ticket and get some milk.

Had Cowboy up dressed, shaved and ready to go but he was really taking forever to eat breakfast.  I said he needed to finish so we could leave and he announced "I'm not going.".  I explained that there was a person arranged to stay with him, the church (they call it "Special Friends")  was expecting him and I had some errands.  He said "I'm not going."

The handyman was supposed to be here at 9 to install the telephone line and didn't show so now what?

Book Club was just down the street.  I drove to the church because they weren't answering the telephone and then came back to house to find Cowboy in the yard pulling up weeds.  There is a danger of him toppling over so this was frustrating.  I herded him into the house and made him promise to stay in his easy chair and went to book club.  I really need to be able to maintain some of these activities to stay psychologically able to deal.

Talked to the handyman about the telephone line and he will be here tomorrow.  Really need to feel like Cowboy can reach me and right now he can't seem to make a call on the house phone or his cell phone.  I never leave him and go further than within our neighborhood but at least can do that if he can call me.

After that I picked him up and we went and got a hamburger and I ordered him a milkshake.  He ate/drank the milkshake but only ate half the burger. I am really trying to keep him from losing more weight and this week he is stable.

On to the jewelry store to get some batteries and get his watch set.  He has a beautiful but very complicated watch but they were able to straighten it out.  Since he cannot read it or understand don't know that it matters but he thinkgs it does.

After that I completely forgot I needed milk and headed for the house.

At the suggestion of a friend I called the Area Agency on the Aging to see if they are a source for respite care. Left word for their "Intake Person".   The Home Health people called again but still not sure if that is the answer for some of our needs but am still considering it.  They can provide some therapy and some help with bathing, etc but then they leave.  Probably not going to meet the need to do errands, etc.

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