Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday, December 16

Wednesday I had a different caregiver.  Marsha was not available.  Her name was Jolene.  She did OK but I really like Marsha because Cowboy is comfortable with her.  I ran some errands and went shopping for a little while.  Wasn't really in the spirit.  Had to return early so could take Cowboy to see the plastic surgeon.

The surgeon tells us that he is doing very well.  The wound is healing on its own.  No more wound vac !  I am to just keep doing what I am doing and we go back in two weeks.   She really encouraged that he eat lots of protein.  This has been a challenge because he won't eat pork or beef hardly at all anymore.  We have eggs most mornings, beans, peanut butter, chicken, fish and such.  Tonight I cooked a steak that had been in the freezer for quite a spell.  I told him to think of it as medicine.  He did eat a few bites, refused his salad and ate some potatoes.

 Every night Cowboy gets a shower, we dress the wound, I apply his cream to his body and he tucks in.  His usual bedtime is about 7:30 at this point.  It does give me some time in the evening to watch a little TV or read. 

I found out yesterday when the visiting nurse came that they will furnish the dressing supplies even though I am doing the actual dressing so she has ordered me a supply.  That was a nice bit of news.

A couple of times in the night he has unwrapped the wound so he could "check it".   I have explained to him he should not do that but he doesn't really get it.  I suspect I will have to continue to deal with it.

This morning we had a dentist appointment and he insisted on wearing his jeans.  I checked everything when we got back and it had stayed in place but it rubs where they removed the skin for the graft.

After we got back from the dentist the physical therapist came and I went to book club.  Spent the afternoon doing very little.

Marsha will come tomorrow for three hours and I have to get some ink for my printer, the software to do our taxes and get a few groceries. 

It has been drizzling and raining off and on for about three days.  We desperately need the rain so I am not complaining but it is messy to get out in.

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