Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7

Cowboy had not had a bath in a week as of Monday.  We had been washing him as best we could but it seemed inadequate to me.  I told him to take everything off and I put some water in a basin and had him step in it so I could really wash his feet.  Couldn't do much about his legs from the ankle up because of him being wrapped up but we then washed the rest of him as best we could.  He wasn't liking it much and wasn't real cooperative but we managed to get him cleaner than he had been in a few days.  Will be glad when he can take a shower.  I proceeded to closely supervise a scrubbing of his teeth, a good shave and the application of creams and lotions.  When we were done I was tired but I know he felt better even if he grumbled.

Monday night my bandmate came over and sat with him and I went to Bunco.  We had a little Christmas party with pizza and then played bunco.  I won high score.  It was a really fun time.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I finally got  my cards written and labels affixed and all of that.  I was making a few special cards on my computer and my printer decided to foul up.  Couldn't figure out how to clean it.  Will work on that some more later.  I am sending money to some of the kids so they can go shopping but I bought toys for some of those nearby.    I still need to get Cowboy something but don't have a clue what to do.  He just isn't going to care about anything I purchase. 

Marsha comes today and I have a whole list of errands.  When I get back we go to see the plastic surgeon at 3:30 so a full day.

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