Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27

We went to the concert yesteray at 4.  There were three pieces.  The first one was over at 4:38.  The second one had just begun.  Cowboy leans over and say he has to go to the bathroom.  End of concert for us.  There was no intermission and it is considered very bad form to leave during the concert.  We left the auditorium, he went to the bathroom and then we left.  I took him to Red Lobster for dinner, his choice.  He ate every bite, plus a beer !  A rare treat.

Even though it was cut short I am glad we went.  I have seen and heard the "Red Violin".  I ordered the film from Netflix today so am looking to watching a film about its history. 

Today I decided after two days of pancakes he could make do with a banana and a bowl of cereal and some juice.  He didn't complain.  I had a couple of errands so I took him with me and we got that done.  I also worked on a couple of piles at home.  Things are somewhat  under control.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, February 26

Friday I got a pedicure and a haircut and went to the grocery store while Marsha was here.  Feels good.

Yesterday it was cool and windy.  We stayed in, watched TV and I tried a nap.  Couldn't go to sleep but did lay there for a spell.  The laundry is done, we are all groomed, what more can you ask?

I fix Cowboy pancakes sometimes.  He likes them a lot but they are not on a diabetics menu.  I made blueberry pancakes yesterday.  Well, this morning he said he wanted the same thing.  He never knows what he wants for breakfast and I was suprised.  I fixed them again.  He ate every bite. 

We have a special treat today.  I have tickets for the "Red Violin".  Actually there will be a real strad here in our little town this afternoon played by its owner.  She bought it at auction in 1990 for 1.6 million.  Since I am a violinist I just had to go.  I am just hoping Cowboy will sit still.  We will sit near the back and I will hope he doesn't need to get up.

I used to buy symphony tickets but it got to where he just couldn't always wait for intermission to go to the bathroom.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23

I forgot to mention that on our trip we stayed at my grandson's house.  It is two story and Cowboy and I were on the second floor.  There was a rail but I worried tremendously that he would fall.  I put him between me and the wall in the bed because the stairs were just a few feet outside our bedroom door.  It went OK but I was kind of on alert all night.

Yesterday I went to the State VA Home for a second visit.  A friend had read my blog, knew I was going and asked to go along.  She is a Physician's Assistant and also the wife of a veteran. 

I learned some really good news while there.  Given Cowboy's disability rating he can stay there for no cost, medicine included, from day one.    We have insurance and I had the option of applying for "Aid and Attendance" through the VA.  I wasn't sure we could qualify and it takes months, even years to get your application processed.  No need to do any of it.  The home will take care of all the paperwork.  The best part is that even if his name comes up and we are not ready he does not go to the end of the line but rather in a holding pattern.  The waiting list is 6 y to 8 months.    I feel much better about the amount of cash that might be needed for all of this.    There is no way to predice if and when he might need the care but at least we know it will go smoothly and they work with you.  We toured the facility again and I really think it is well run.  It is very clean and pleasant.  The only down side is it is 40 miles away.

This morning we had a visit from the nurse and they are not wanting to stop their visits until the wound is completely healed so we get to continue to have them come for a bit longer.  The wound is almost healed but may be another 2 or 3 weeks.

I took the dog to the groomer and to get Cowboy a haircut.  I had dropped off the dog and was sitting in the car waiting on Cowboy and he came out and said we needed to go home.  Turns out he had soiled his clothes.  We drove home and I asked him to get in the shower.  I had to tell him every step because otherwise he would have left his hat on, pulled his clothes down and soiled his boots, etc.  I got him in the shower and started cleaning up.

Afterwards we drove back to the barber and got his haircut and then went and got the car washed.  Everyone is clean but me.  The car, the dog and Cowboy.

We were still waiting on the dog so I stopped at a Sonic Drive in.  I like their hamburgers.  He wanted coffee and when it arrived he took the lid off and then tried to set it inside the glove box.  It was quite hot and I was able to stop him and get it set in the cup holder.  Good hamburger.  Back to pick up the dog. 

I had some of the band over this afternoon to practice for a gig next week.  Then I finally read three days worth of newspapers, checked email, wrote in this blog and now need to get some dinner on and get a bath. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22

This past weekend I slept late and then took a nap both Saturday and Sunday.  What a difference!   I feel like a new woman!  Of course, nothing got done but Cowboy was content and wasn't any trouble.

Well, there was the little episode Saturday night.  It was about midnight and Iwoke up when I realized Cowboy was out of bed.  Figured he was in the bathroom so lay there a minute.   Then I hear thump, thump...  Out of the bed, he is not in the bathroom, doesn't answer when called.  About then I hear a crash that sounds like metal against metal.  What on earth ?!  I find him in the storage room, leaning up against a pile of metal folding chairs and hanging on to them to keep from falling.  On the floor is his guitar case and his guitar (out of the case).  He has dropped it when he fell back against the chairs.

I asked him what he was doing and he said "You wanted me to play with you, didn't you?"  I got him back to bed and then fell back into bed myself.  A couple of minutes later I realized I was crying.  Cowboy had not touched his guitars in about 2 years.  We used to noodle around together.  We were pretty good on "Delta Dawn" and "Honky Tonk Angel".  He only likes the old country songs but he has a great voice.

Monday I got everything all ready and we headed up to see the kids and grandkids.  I was rested and Cowboy was in a good frame of mind and it went well.  We had a nice time.    Spent most of our time with this one grandson who is having trouble getting his act together.  He is kind of 21 going on 14 but has a sweet personality and is very sensitive.  He plays uncle to the great grandchildren with a kindness and attention that is lovely to see.

Back home now and today is my day out.  Marsha will be here in an hour and Cowboy is still in bed and I am barely showered and dressed.  I have an appointment at the VA Home today to gather more information. 

We left the dog at home and had a pet sitter come in.  Had not done that before but it worked out well.  She seems to have done just fine.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17

Wednesday I went and looked at rugs for awhile and then met some neighbor ladies for lunch at this great tea room.  We had a great meal and a great time.  Then on to the grocery store and home.  I felt tired Wed and continue to feel tired.  Am looking forward to just relaxing and catching my breath this weekend.

I think it is probably a combination of slow recovery from my cold and not being able to sleep through the night and having to be up early nearly every morning this week.   On Tuesday night Cowboy was quite restless.  At one point he was stretching out his arms and curling up his fingers.  It was sort of like he was climbing a wall or something even though he was laying flat on his back.  Then he started kicking and flailing his arms around.  He had no memory of it later.

We went to see the plastic surgeon Thursday morning.  She said it is looking fine but not healing as fast as it would if Cowboy would agree to stay in soft pants or wear a bandage for a while longer.  I know this is going to be a challenge but I am just going to insist he follow those directions.

We had book club Thursday and then my new cleaning people came.  Busy day.  The floors look good so I am giong to continue their services, at least for a while.

This morning we had a periodontist appointment and Cowboy got his teeth deep cleaned.  He doesn't take care of his dental hygiene as well as I would like.  Yesterday morning he turned on his electric toothbrush and then put it back in the cup rather than using it.  I had to remind him to use it.  and then this morning he didn't want to shave but I explained that the technician was going to get "razor burn" on her hands when she was working on his teeth.  He thought about that a minute and then agreed to shave. 

I try a bit of humor with him a lot of times when he doesn't want to do something.  On one occasion he needed to do all his grooming items and wouldn't budge.  I told he smelled like a street person and he needed to clean up or no one would want to be around him.  I have no idea if any of my methods would be considered acceptable to the medical community but sometimes I just try things til something works.  Sometimes he still displays a sense of humor so I use that.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15

Got two new tires put on Monday and the car tag and safety sticker in place.  I remember last year getting that ticket and that was not going to happen this year !  We had replace two tires last year when Cowboy ran over the rocks and these two mean we are set for a good long while in that department.

I set up an appointment at the VA home for next week.  I have a lot of questions and want to look at it one more time.  Still haven't filled out the paperwork.  Maybe this will get me moving on that.

I have some plans in the coming weeks that I am excited about.  We are going to go see some of the granddhildren this coming week.  A friend from Oklahoma is going to visit in late March, then in April Cowboy's oldest daughter is visiting. May I am going to have my sister stay with Cowboy for a few days and I am going to take a short vacation.

Today is my day out and Marsha will be here in half an hour and I am not dressed.  More on today's plans later.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday, February 12

Yesterday was pretty nice so I got Cowboy to go for a walk.  Around the block and he is ready to go in.  The dog enjoyed being out.

We were supposed to go to a neighborhood valentine party tonight and I was thinking it would be good for Cowboy to see friends.  Unfortunately, he is still coughing and did not sleep much last night so I decided it was not a good idea.

Pretty quiet weekend.  Cowboy is quiet and mostly watching TV.  He has been playing with the dog some and it makes him laugh.  I like to hear that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10

Wednesday I went to the base and picked up our prescriptions, shopped the PX a bit and bought a pile of groceries.  Sometimes it fascinates me that two people can consume so much stuff !  It was really crowded.   A lot of the troops have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan.  I may just start going every three months when I need to pick up medicine.    There is a savings to shop there but mercy it wears you out !

Wednesday AM I got up and got ready to go and then got Cowboy bathed and dressed.  I made him shave and everything.  I was in the process of getting things together and he goes to the closet, gets his hat and jacket and starts out the door.  I asked him where he was going and he said he was going with me.  I explained that Marsha was coming and he was going to stay home.  He seemed surprised and maybe a little disappointed.

Yesterday (Thursday) we had an appointment with the VA doctor, the routine every six months thing.  His test results looked good except his Vitamin D is low.  I suspect that is because he is going outside less and less.  I will get a supplement for him but will also try to get him outside more.

I felt really sluggish yesterday afternoon so laid down and took a nap.  an unusual thing for me.  I made chicken enchilladas last night and Cowboy normally really enjoys them.  He ate very little.  He went to bed at 7:30.

Today Marsha was here and I went got a haircut, took some things to Goodwill, got a slice of pizza and went to the grocery store.  3 hours, gone.

I have decided we will wait until Monday the 20th to drive to the kids.  I want to be sure we are both fully recovered.  Called the kids and let them know.

Cowboy seems better today.  He is still coughing but not so much and doesn't seem quite as droopy.  I got him out and we walked around the block with the dog.  It was sunny but windy. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7

I failed to mention that we went by the Dr. office early Friday afternoon about Cowboy's cold.  He is coughing and not feeling well.  Since he already had antibiotics there wasn't much more to do.  We have been doing the old salt water gargle and saline nose spray.  He sometimes doesn't gargle, just pushes it around his mouth.

The weekend was dominated by coughing and lots of sleeping.  I am better but not 100% and Cowboy is full into a bad cold.

We had planned on going to Dallas for a day but have postponed it until everyone is all better.

I talked to a lady yesterday about doing floors for us and she is going to come once a month and clean the floors, fans, window shades and the shower.  Marsha and I can keep the rest done.

Last night I went to Bunco.  My friend from our band came over and sat with Cowboy.  I won for most wins so that was fun.  The hostess served this really decadent chocolate cake.  That was fun too.

I am hoping to get my list for the commissary finished today.  Tomorrow I am going to pick up our every 90 day prescriptions and do some shopping.  Also, today the visiting nurse is coming.  and I need to finish the paperwork for the application to the VA home.  I think I have to get some papers from our safety deposit box as well. 

I can hear Cowboy coughing.  He isn't up yet and it is 9.  His coffee is ready and I need to go put breakfast together.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3

Everybody keeps telling me to take care of myself.  I made sure of it Wednesday.  I went and had a pedicure and a massage.  Then I went to the library and came back and had a leisurely shopping trip through the supermarket.  Seems like I always tag it on to the end and am rushed but not this time.

Thursday we went back for a follow up appointment at the plastic surgeon.  They are telling us it looks great but is a little red and feverish so are going to do another round of antibiotics.  We go back in two weeks.  I expect it to be completely covered over by then. 

I took Cowboy to IHOP and he had the usual and ate it all.  We went and picked up some prescriptions and spent the rest of the day doing little.  Am still coughing and feel better but not great.

We had an appointment this morning at 8AM for blood work at the VA.  Cowboy was up all night last night with the TV blaring.  I got up about 3 times trying to get him back to bed but he would not budge.  I did not sleep much until a couple of hours before had to be up and then overslept.  Had to go to the clinic without a shower or makeup but we made it.

Cowboy was supposed to provide urine but he had misunderstood that he could drink, just not eat last night and he was dry.  He stayed in there forever and others were waiting and finally gave up.  Then when they went to draw blood couldn't get it.  He was too dehydrated.  Sometimes I feel like I just can't keep everything going as it should.  Eventually, after a couple of glasses of water we got our business done.

We then went to visit a representative of the VA Commission about the letter I had received.  He put together a letter requesting that I be appointed to handle Cowboy's affairs and said now we wait.  He also told us that the VA doesn't care that I have a durable power of attorney and their concern is a relative misusing the funds.  Chances are it will all be OK.

Cowboy is really out of it today.  He is almost in a stupor.  He wasn't able to get around very well, very unsteady.  Hope tomorrow is better.

It was a tiring morning.  Actually laid down for a while this afternoon.  Haven't done much since but did make a blackberry cobbler.