Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17

Wednesday I went and looked at rugs for awhile and then met some neighbor ladies for lunch at this great tea room.  We had a great meal and a great time.  Then on to the grocery store and home.  I felt tired Wed and continue to feel tired.  Am looking forward to just relaxing and catching my breath this weekend.

I think it is probably a combination of slow recovery from my cold and not being able to sleep through the night and having to be up early nearly every morning this week.   On Tuesday night Cowboy was quite restless.  At one point he was stretching out his arms and curling up his fingers.  It was sort of like he was climbing a wall or something even though he was laying flat on his back.  Then he started kicking and flailing his arms around.  He had no memory of it later.

We went to see the plastic surgeon Thursday morning.  She said it is looking fine but not healing as fast as it would if Cowboy would agree to stay in soft pants or wear a bandage for a while longer.  I know this is going to be a challenge but I am just going to insist he follow those directions.

We had book club Thursday and then my new cleaning people came.  Busy day.  The floors look good so I am giong to continue their services, at least for a while.

This morning we had a periodontist appointment and Cowboy got his teeth deep cleaned.  He doesn't take care of his dental hygiene as well as I would like.  Yesterday morning he turned on his electric toothbrush and then put it back in the cup rather than using it.  I had to remind him to use it.  and then this morning he didn't want to shave but I explained that the technician was going to get "razor burn" on her hands when she was working on his teeth.  He thought about that a minute and then agreed to shave. 

I try a bit of humor with him a lot of times when he doesn't want to do something.  On one occasion he needed to do all his grooming items and wouldn't budge.  I told he smelled like a street person and he needed to clean up or no one would want to be around him.  I have no idea if any of my methods would be considered acceptable to the medical community but sometimes I just try things til something works.  Sometimes he still displays a sense of humor so I use that.

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