Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22

This past weekend I slept late and then took a nap both Saturday and Sunday.  What a difference!   I feel like a new woman!  Of course, nothing got done but Cowboy was content and wasn't any trouble.

Well, there was the little episode Saturday night.  It was about midnight and Iwoke up when I realized Cowboy was out of bed.  Figured he was in the bathroom so lay there a minute.   Then I hear thump, thump...  Out of the bed, he is not in the bathroom, doesn't answer when called.  About then I hear a crash that sounds like metal against metal.  What on earth ?!  I find him in the storage room, leaning up against a pile of metal folding chairs and hanging on to them to keep from falling.  On the floor is his guitar case and his guitar (out of the case).  He has dropped it when he fell back against the chairs.

I asked him what he was doing and he said "You wanted me to play with you, didn't you?"  I got him back to bed and then fell back into bed myself.  A couple of minutes later I realized I was crying.  Cowboy had not touched his guitars in about 2 years.  We used to noodle around together.  We were pretty good on "Delta Dawn" and "Honky Tonk Angel".  He only likes the old country songs but he has a great voice.

Monday I got everything all ready and we headed up to see the kids and grandkids.  I was rested and Cowboy was in a good frame of mind and it went well.  We had a nice time.    Spent most of our time with this one grandson who is having trouble getting his act together.  He is kind of 21 going on 14 but has a sweet personality and is very sensitive.  He plays uncle to the great grandchildren with a kindness and attention that is lovely to see.

Back home now and today is my day out.  Marsha will be here in an hour and Cowboy is still in bed and I am barely showered and dressed.  I have an appointment at the VA Home today to gather more information. 

We left the dog at home and had a pet sitter come in.  Had not done that before but it worked out well.  She seems to have done just fine.

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