Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, March 18

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day.  At breakfast I told Cowboy and told him that since he didn't have on green I was going to pinch him.  I gave him a little pinch.  He thought about it a minute when I told him I didn't have on green either so he needed to pinch me.  He thought about it some more and then he gave my hand a squeeze.  It was very tender. 

He is eating well and was sleeping well until last night.  Last night he was very restless and part of time was kind of clawing the air like he was climbing something.  He has done that a number of times.  Have no idea what is in his mind.  Probably something from his military days.

His TV preferences are all over the map.  One day he watches crime shows and the next he is watching RFD which shows old music shows from the 50's. 

I attended a neighborhood ladies coffee yesterday morning.  There were about 15 or so ladies there.  I really enjoy getting to visit with everyone.  Wasn't at all hungry though.  I had to take Cowboy to get blood drawn at 7:30 and he had fasted so we followed that with a trip to IHOP.  Trying to keep his weight steady is putting weight on me.  oh dear.......

Marsha is such a gem.  She keeps everything dusted, the bathrooms and kitchen tidy and does some laundry.  It really does help.  If she is here over lunch she will prepare lunch for Cowboy.  Since I have to fix meals three times a day for the first time in my life it is nice to not have to sometimes.  Before he was ill Cowboy was always up before me and would fix his own breakfast.  If I someplace to go or do he would fix his own lunch.  Not much for cooking but he could always come up with something.  Now, if I don't fix it he just doesn't eat or will maybe have a banana.

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