It is truly amazing but the flowers received on Thursday, May 31st are still looking beautiful. I called Cowboy's oldest today and told her I was sure it her who sent them and that we were really enjoying them. I don't believe I have ever had any roses that lasted this long or were this beautiful.
Wednesday Marsha was here and I went looking for material to make new cornices, pillows and bar stool covers to match the new furniture. I had to order it and it will be here in a couple of weeks. Got it at JoAnn's and it was on sale for 40% off. Good thing too, upholstery material is not cheap.
I took Cowboy and got him a haircut yesterday and he looks very nice. Best haircut he has had in a while.
In the afternoon yesterday we went to the local community church and played for their adult day care. Cowboy went with us and sat there and was quiet. It went really well. I think they really enjoyed it. It is the same place I had taken Cowboy a few months ago and then he didn't want to keep going. I guess he just doesn't relate to their program. It consists of entertainment and speakers and games and activities. I sense that he finds it all a bit juvenile. When he was in rehab they wanted him to sit and pass a ball around with his arms and his feet and he didn't like that either.
It is pretty quiet around here. Was going to take the car in for an oil change today but just decided to wait. Needed a day of no committments.
I made spaghetti tonight with some sauce I had made previously and frozen. He didn't want to eat it. I ended up opening him a can of beanie weinie. A lot of food goes to waste around here these days.
Talked to my grandson this afternoon and he is bringing the furniture on June 16th, a week from tomorrow. He absolutely promises. We will see.
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