Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20

What a day.  Had an 8 o'clock dental appointment and Cowboy just wouldn't get going.  I had to prod him out of bed, prod him to shave, prod him to dress.  We got there right at 8.  They said his dental hygiene is really going down and he had a cavity but they went ahead and filled it today.  Guess I will hold him down and brush them for him !!

Marsha couldn't come today.  Her father took a spill and hit his head and is in the hospital.  He is in his late eighties.    Hope he is OK. 

I took Cowboy with me to do some errands. Went to SteinMart and looked at their artificial trees.  All were nice but too tall.  Went to JoAnn's and picked up the material that did come in.  They don't have any artificial trees.  Went to Hobby Lobby to see if they have a fabric to replace what was back ordered.  They have some I kind of like.  Am pondering.  They also had some nice trees.  Realized I don't really know what I want.  All these stores have benches and Cowboy sat there while I chased around the store as fast as I could.

Then we went to the bank.  Can't do everything I need to do on line on the new account we set up.  Got that taken care of.  At this point Cowboy is really tired but still need a few groceries so we go there, then to the pharmacy and then home.  The dentist want's him to use a special toothpaste that is prescription.   Needless to say we are both worn out.

I have been hesitant to have the service send someone else.  He is never really comfortable with anyone but Marsha.  Can't handle a repeat of today though.  I worried with every step, especially on curbs and such and he moves so slow that didn't get near everything done.

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