Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, November 23rd

Tuesday we took the dog to the groomer.  She was a bit of a mess from being sick.  I tried to keep her clean  but she still had this pink around her mouth from the pepto bismol.  Thank goodness she is all better.

Cowboy got a haircut.  I don't know what he told the barber but it appears he is trying to grow his hair out a bit.  At the moment it is sticking up all over his head, sort of like some of these young guys wear it.

I had my day out Wednesday.  There was no way I was going to brave the grocery store.  I went to Office Depot and got a calculator and mouse pad.  I had a combination one but it hasn't worked since my accountant daughter was here and used it.  (are you taking note, dear?)  Probably was on the edge and she sent it over.  I had it a long time.

Went to Michaels and found some things on half price.  Gee, it isn't even Thanksgiving yet.  I am going to do a greatly pared down Christmas decor this year.  Just don't have it in me to get all the stuff out.  Between my hand hurting and my neck and arm hurting and just hurting in general everywhere it just isn't going to happen.  I bought a really small tree and some really small ornaments to put on the bar.  Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to decorate.

We are doing a dulcimer concert at the library next month and went looking for a Christmas shirt to wear.  Came up empty.  Not a big deal.  I have a couple of them in my drawer.  Thought something new would be nice but not a biggy.

We heard from all the daughters and some of the grown grandchildren yesterday.  We had been invited up but opted not to go.

I cooked some cornish hen, stuffing, sweet potatoes, relish and pumpkin pie.  Cowboy ate pretty well.  He even ate some of the stuffing and the last time I prepared it he wouldn't touch it.  I never know.

At one point yesterday I mentioned my little tree didn't have any lights.  Just a comment.  In a few  minutes Cowboy asked me where my car keys were.  I told him they were in my purse, but why did he want to know.  He didn't answer me, just went and got them.  He then stood in the kitchen taking the keys off the keyring.  I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was going to fix me some lights for the tree.  Very interesting they ways his brain doesn't work.  I just never know what he is going to say or try to do.   I explained to him I didn't want any lights and took the keys from him.

Cowboy said he was tired and went to bed last night about 7:30.  I tucked him in and caught up on my recorded programs.

We are having a quiet day today.  I am catching up on some correspodence.  Started tinkering with some of the Christmas decor.

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