Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28

I have to wonder if there is someone somewhere who is studying and analyzing the behaviors associated with Lewy Body dementia.  How is it the same as Alheimers?  How is it different?

Cowboy got up Sunday morning and took a bath and put on a nice red shirt and added his most expensive, most elaborate bolo tie.  It is a heavy silver with several turqoise  and coral stones and a bear claw.  Probably worth around $600.  He put up so tight on his neck was afraid he would choke.  He had not had it on in probably 3 years.

We went to McDonalds and to the grocery store with him rather dressed up.  If it makes him happy, I am happy.

He wore it on Monday and then on Tuesday he added a belt buckle of similar type and worth.  He has been wearing both since.  I asked him this morning if he was going somewhere and he said "yes" but couldn't tell me where.  There were no plans for him to go out today.

Tracey came this morning.  I am finding that 9 to 3 is more time than I can normally fill.  Am thinking about cutting it down to 5 hours instead of 6 beginning with the new year.  That would reduce my cost by $70 a month without really reducing the amount of time I normally need to get everything done.  Could always increase when I need to.  I am seldom ready when Tracy gets here.  Am still fixing breakfast and getting ready to go out.  I might make that change.

I have a neighbor coming Saturday morning so I can go to dulcimer practice.  Am thinking I will buy all my helpers a nice bottle of wine before Christmas.

I concentrated today on getting my pedicure, the car washed, and made a trip to Academy Sports looking for a fire extinguisher, a flashlight, a wind up radio and a pocket knife for our emergency kit.  Not much luck but did come home with an industtrial flashlight.

Went to WalMart and got some groceries.  Was home at 2:15.

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