Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30

My grandson and daughter brought the car down Sunday and spent a little time visiting.  I hope this whole thing turns out well.  At least he is not in over his head.

Years ago I always spent my holidays doing work around the house because I was always behind and it was a good time to catch up.  It happened this year.  I spent Memorial day doing ironing and cleaning and generally trying to feel in control.

I went to see Cowboy on Tuesday.  We went out and looked at the flowers and pulled out some of the weeds.  He still will do this and seems in tune with what he is doing.  They look pretty good although the zinnias that  thought were hard to kill are not doing all that well.  

I had a doctors appt on Wednesday on my eye surgery.  Everything is healing as expected and no problems.  He released me.  

On Wednesday I got a call that there was a  GPS device on the car that needed to be disconnected and returned.  My grandson had tried to disconnect it Sunday without success.  I took the Maserati to  a car repair place and asked them to do that and also change the oil and check it out, etc.

Last night I went with a friend to see the Mexican freetailed bats leave their nests and fly out to find food (insects).  It was a lovely evening and we had a great time.  Now you know where I am, Austin, Texas.    (well, actually, a suburb.)  We were on a boat and it was a lovely evening.  However, because of the wind, it was after dark before they emerged so it was hard to see much.  Nonetheless, it was fun and and I enjoyed seeing the skyline and all the people on the bridge, etc.   Took lots of pictures.

Today I went to see Cowboy and he was doing fine.  I don't think he always coorperates at bathtime and to get a shave, etc.  but he is content and reasonably clean and neat.

I made arrangements today to take him out Saturday for our anniversary (36 years).  He loves BBQ ribs so think will go to Applebees.   That is not terribly special but to him I think it will be and it it not too far from the home.

Came back this afternoon and started a project to organize the study and all my files.  That should keep me out of trouble for a few days at least.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday, May 25

Wednesday night I went to the restaurant to meet our old motorcycle club buddies.  There were 22 people that came.  Wow.  I had not seen some of them in 10 years.  It was a great visit and I had a wonderful time.  Some of the folks that we rode with have passed away and some are too elderly to get out but one couple that was there is in their 80's and they look wonderful.

I had called Cowboy on Wednesday.  "Hi Sweetheart, how are you?"  Cowboy responded, "it didn't rain here today".  "Well, it sure is raining here" I said.  "Did our house blow away?'  he asks me.  I explained to him that the storm was in Oklahoma, not at our home in Texas.  He doesn't respond, like he is pondering that.  Then I told him I was in Tulsa.  "What on earth are you doing in Tulsa?!".  Cowboy had obviously forgotten what I had told him about 5 times.  The good news is he doesn't seem to have missed me, doesn't seem in the least concerned about any of it and that made me feel better.

I came home Thursday.  It rained on me for 5 hours but then the sun came out.  I stopped to see Cowboy on the way home but didn't stay long.  Was tired from all the driving.  I am going back today.  I bought him some jeans and shirts at Drysdale's in Tulsa, his favorite store.  His things do seem to disappear at the home.

Friday was devoted to getting some groceries, doing two weeks of laundry, putting up things from the coffee we had a week ago, going through mail, etc.

Back to see Cowboy today and then home to continue getting organized.  I think my grandson will be bringing the car down tomorrow.  Hope so.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 23

I woke up this morning to sunshine and gentle breezes.  What a change from the last few days.

When I left last Saturday morning it was sunny and warm.  I stopped to see Cowboy and stayed there until after we had lunch.  I then headed for Dallas.  Just North of Waco traffic came to a dead standstill.  The interstate was down to one lane.  I had planned to be in Dallas around 2:30 but it was 4:15.  I was a little late for the birthday party but once there it was great.  Lots of multiple generations of family on both sides plus cousins, nieces, etc.  Quite a to do for a 2 year old.  They had a jump house and a lady there painting faces of the children and making animals from balloons.  Kids running everywhere, lots of food and a beautiful cake.

While I was there I bought a car from one of my grandsons that he couldn't afford.  I "took it off his hands."  It is a 1989 Maserati.  Needs work but I think it will be fun to fix it up.

I got up Sunday morning and went to Cowboy's youngest daughters house for breakfast and a visit with her family.  Then I headed for Tulsa.

Got a message from his oldest daughter that there was a bad storm brewing.  I tuned to the station reporting on this and learned I was about 2 hours ahead of it but on the same track.  Sure enough, about 2 hours after I reached her house it came rolling in.

On Monday in a suburb of Tulsa I met for lunch with my old Red Hat group.  It was a place called "Top That" where you fix your own pizza with whatever you want.  Pretty good eats.  We had a private room and spent two hours talking and catching up.  A good friend had put together an album for me of all the pictures she had of me with various other people in the group.  It is absolutely, totally cool.

Monday night in Tulsa I met with three good friends from my days working at Memorex Telex.  That would have been from 1985 to 1992.  We have always kept in touch and meet up from time to time.  We drank and ate and laughed and had a great time.

Tuesday I had lunch with a friend from AT&T.  She dates back to 1980.  We used to get together for a Yahtzee game every month with some other AT&T buds.  We did that for 25 years.  Two of the girls have passed away, one moved away to the lake and another just lost touch.  But this one has stuck and we still visit.

Tuesday night I had dinner with Cowboy's grandaughter, her hubby and two children.  The older boy is taking violin so I brought him a violin I bought a few years ago and am not using.  I told him he could keep it as long as he plays.

This morning I am feeling rested and good.  Plan to meet Cowboy's oldest at lunch and tour where she works and have lunch with her.

Tonight I am meeting some folks we have known since the 80's that we used to ride motorcycles with.  Home tomorrow.

I have been having a great time.  I have had time to drive around and see what has changed and do a little shopping.  Bought a pair of hot pink sneakers yesterday.  I drove by our old house to see how it was doing. The lady who lives there was in the front yard to I stopped and talked to her.  The rose bushes are still there and the clematis that we put in is huge and blooming.  All the shrubs are bigger and overall the yard looks pretty good.  She is a single mom with two children.  She told me the pump on the pond was broken but she planned to fix it when she has the funds.  The whole thing made me feel better that the place still has a lot of beauty and sad because we put so much of our time, money and love into the place.  We lived there 26 years.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17

Whew !  What a crazy 24 hours.  I got most everything I needed to do done last night but cut my finger on the grater and it bled and bled.  ugh !

This morning I was up at 6 and started getting things ready and bam the lights went out.  Power outage started about 7:30 and lasted better than an hour.  Nothing like no power when you are trying to cook.  It meant that I was late with everything but with the help of a neighbor and friend we got most of it ready by 10.  There were two quiches that came later but quite a bit of them were eaten.  It actually all turned out well.  There were 25 women in my house and I think everyone had a good time.

I am now in the process of getting ready for my trip.  Will be leaving in the morning.  Am hoping for good weather.  May or may not post while I am away.  Am taking laptop so should be able to.

I will stop to see Cowboy in the morning on my way and then on to see some grand kids and attend a birthday party.  Sunday AM breakfast with another daughter and her family and then on to Tulsa.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16

Yesterday I got the roofing people paid and everything signed off.  I also got a haircut, pedicure, manicure and bought groceries.....filled the whole day.

This morning the dulcimer group went to an elementary school in the area that was having a "Fine Arts Day". We did three sets of music and then gave the fourth graders a chance to see our instruments up close and play them a little bit.  It was a great time.  They were really enjoying themselves.  It was great but tiring.

I then went to see Cowboy.  It was about noon and I stopped and had a hamburger and fries (horrors !)  The physical therapist has been working with him on the proper way to use the walker.  He is still having a problem with it getting away from him.  They may recommend he have a different type.  I bought this one because a former physical therapist said it was best for him.  Guess we will have to see how it plays out.

We went outside and cut the dead flowers off and picked up some debris from the flower beds.  Cowboy was actually pulling up some grass and weeks.  I truly believe it is really a good thing for him to do.

Came home and have been running around like crazy getting ready to hold the brunch tomorrow morning.  So far I have cut up the fruit and have it ready to serve.  Still have to make an egg casserole and get out chairs, etc.  I always enjoy the ladies so much but the last couple of weeks have been so busy it is hard.  Didn't know that when I signed up several months back.  Everyone should take a turn and I haven't for a couple of years so I need to do this.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday, May 14

I had a $50 restaurant gift card that I got for Christmas that I had never used so yesterday I took a friend to lunch at Macaroni Grill.  This particular friend has been a real friend through all the trials of the last couple of years.  She frequently sat with Cowboy for me so I could get out and was thoughtful in so many ways.  It was a little thing I could do for her.  We shopped a little bit and then ate way too much.  We ordered appetizers and then split an entree and still had a lot of food to take home.  Very good.  nice time....

Yesterday afternoon I talked to my neighbor about the dog and what to do with her while I went to visit friends for a few days.  We worked out that I would hire a pet sitter but that he would come see her every day and take her for a walk with his dog.

This morning I worked on a shopping list for the groceries I need for a breakfast I am hosting Friday.  I then went to a Emergency Management Meeting for our neighborhood and then headed over to see Cowboy.  It was a beautiful day and we sat outside for a good long while and looked at the flowers.  There was a big black bird just having a "fit" and we figured out there was a cat out in the shrubbery.  I suspect the bird had a nest and was trying to get the cat to leave the area.  Cowboy got quite involved in observing the whole thing.

At five I went to a support group meeting.  This is something new that is being started for the caregivers/wives/loved ones of the dementia patients.  It is too soon to tell how valuable it might be but it is a nice group of people and everyone participates.  I don't like having it from 5PM to 6:30PM.  I am usually done in by that time of day so we will see.

I didn't eat til 8 so am just now winding down for bed.  It has been a long day.

Tomorrow I have a haircut appointment, an appointment with the roofing company to get that deal signed off on and need to get a pedicure and get the car washed.  All of this in preparation for being very busy thursday and friday before leaving on Saturday for a few days to visit family and friends in Tulsa.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday, May 12

Today is Mother's Day.  I got cards from some of the kids and grandkids and a couple of calls.  Yesterday my youngest daughter drove down and took me to dinner.  We went to TGI Fridays which is always good.

I went to see Cowboy today.  He was sound asleep when I got there around 10 AM.  I woke him up and we chatted a minute and then he went back to sleep.  At lunchtime I managed to get him awake and up and we went to eat in the dining area.  Had ham, sweet potatoes, green beans and blueberry pie.  Good lunch.  He didn't want to do much of anything.  We stayed in his room most of the visit.  He was in a pleasant humor and smiled several times and held my hand.  He just isn't altogether "present".  Think I will see if he is maybe not sleeping well.  He sure is napping a lot.

When we went to lunch one of the fellows came over in his wheelchair to our table and after working at it a bit he got the words out "Can I give you a hug?".  I said of course and gave him a big one.  He went off in his chair with a smile on his face.  

I have a busy week coming up so am trying to get my ducks in a row.  It would help if I would get out of bed.  It must have been almost 9 this morning.  I have been feeling tired a lot of the last few days.  Not sure why.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10

Terrible storms near us yesterday afternoon and last night.  I got home before it got bad and was glad.  I am anxious about our flowers and hope they make it.  Lots of hail.

I heard it raining outside when I woke up this morning and I love just laying in bed in the rain; however, I had things to do.  Got up, fed the dog, ate some yogurt, did various things and then got ready to go to a neighborhood lunch.  Picked up a couple of ladies who needed ride and headed over to a neighboring town to eat.  Great time.

Got a call today that Cowboy had fell getting out of bed this morning.  Was not hurt.  How does he do that and not ever injure himself?  It is a constant worry.

I went to drop off some donations, get a new mat for a picture and then to the grocery store.

The picture was a pencil drawing that I saw at an art fair back in 1980 and fell in love with.  Cowboy went back and bought it afterwards and presented it to me for our anniversary that year.  It is really so beautiful.  It was matted in pink and needed updating so I took it to Hobby Lobby and got a new mat.  It probably is worth zip but I am attached to it because it was such a thoughtful gesture in 1980.

Am now hearing we are going to have more storms tonight.  Hope no more hail.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 8

For several years I was very involved in "Red Hat".  I have made some amazing friends.  I have this little doll sitting on my desk.  She is about 3 inches tall in a sitting position and is mostly made out of spools of various sizes.  She has on a red hat and a purple dress and a little sign that says "I shall wear purple".   A lovely lady gave it to me several years ago as a "secret pal" gift and I have always just loved it.  She is so cute and so perfect a representation of the group.  Her hair is grey, her smile is pensive and her limbs don't look a thing like real arms but I love her.  Thank you, you know who you are.

I actually had a free day today so took advantage and drove to a neighboring  city and wandered around the SteinMart.    I was sick to death of the bedclothes I had for thirteen years and had sold them in the garage sale.  I had bought a real bargain at Kohl's right after that, put it on the bed and my dog immediately started tearing into it.  For some reason she wanted to scratch and paw at the embroidery on it.  I only spent a small amount so it didn't upset me too bad but I have basically threatened her life if she does it again.  I have no idea if she can comprehend that conversation but I really did want to spank her.

I found something today that I really like and just went ahead and got it  It is a vibrant coral color, not at all what I had thought I wanted but goes really well with the picture over the bed and is not the sort of thing that I think she will "attack".  Here's hoping......

When I got home I proceeded to get some laundry done and take care of some piles on my desk.  I feel somewhat in control at the moment.

I keep being asked by the activity aide about playing my violin at the home.  I just haven't had much enthusiasm for it lately but told him Tuesday that I would bring my violin tomorrow.  Need to come up with something to play before I call it a day.

Got a call today and they are coming out tomorrow to put up the new guttering.  Will be glad to be done with the whole deal.  I suspect they have just been overwhelmed with work but am not liking how long this has taken.

I don't have to be here so still plan to go see Cowboy tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 7

Not much happening on the weekend.  I slept late and mostly was lazy Saturday.  Sunday I went to see Cowboy.  He was in the bed and napping.  He is usually in his recliner.  His being in bed during the day doesn't happen often.

We had lunch and went out but it was chilly so didn't stay out but a few minutes.

Yesterday I had a busy day.  I went to the bank, picked up bags of ice and picked up a small table that was having a glass cover made for.  Then home and last minute cleaning.  Then off to practice for two hours.  Then back to set up for Bunco at my house last night.

Bunco was lots of fun and I always enjoy the ladies.  That is my time for this year.

Today I went to see Cowboy.  He was in the bed again and sleeping when I got there about 10AM.  It is a beautiful day, about 75 out so I got him up and we went out to check out the flowers and walk around a bit. I was getting his walker for him and he says "I don't need that anymore."  No use arguing with him so I told him I was going to use it and he says "OK".  (after a few minutes I hand it over to him and he gratefully takes it without a word).

I am back home.  Had to be here for a fellow to come and wash the windows.   It has been a couple of years so is time.  and then at 5 another fellow is coming to replace the can lights in my kitchen, change the AC filter and I am going to talk to him about the very dirty fan on the patio that is up about 10 feet.  Maybe we can "power wash" it.    Recently all of the can lights in my kitchen began to blow.  They have a supposed life of 7 1/2 years but we put them in about 6 years ago.  I must be extra hard on my lights.  I am glad there are lots of handyman types around here.  Don't know what I would do without them.

For years you wash your own windows, your own car, your own dog and then all of the sudden you can't manage it.  Nor can you get on a ladder to change lights, filters, etc. There is salt that is too heavy to load into the water softener. and then there are the little things like tightening a screw  (well actually I can still do that myself).  So we pay somebody to do lots of things these days.

My oldest daughter will turn 50 tomorrow.  I have been thinking about that day 50 years ago and how I would never have believed it if someone had been able to tell me how my life would play out.   Wow, I am beginning to feel the passing of time.  I started this blog when I was 66 and I will soon be 69.  Just that is hard to believe.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3

I had a very nice day Tuesday.  Three cars full of neighbor ladies drove into the city and visited the governor's mansion.   It was an overcast day with perfect temperatures.  I have to say the mansion was smaller than I thought it would be from the pictures that I have seen but quite lovely with lots of antiques and such.

After the tour we visited a small gift shop and then went to lunch.  Nothing like a bunch of gals gabbing to give you a lift.  Then to the mall for some shopping and home tired and happy.

I had planned on going to see Cowboy on Wednesday but there was a mix up in the time the cleaning people were coming.  I called him and talked to him and he was fine with it.  I didn't want to go in the late afternoon, the traffic is sometimes awful and there was a weather front expected.

Got up yesterday and headed over to see him.  He was napping when I got there but I woke him and he was very happy to see me.  Seemed in a good humor.  We watched some TV then went out to check out the flowers.  It was cold and windy so didn't stay out too long but everything is doing well.  The therapy dogs came today.  They just love Cowboy and get right up on his lap and he just loves on them.  They are so cute, two papillions.  We had lunch and then back to his room.  On the way back to the room we observed Archie trying to take another fellow's cake.  I think his name is Donald.  He is always very sweet and quiet but he lit into Archie and told him to "PUT THAT DOWN!  THAT"S MINE!"  Two old men fighting over a piece of cake.  The aide heard it and came right over.   Cowboy seemed sleepy so I told him I was going to go and he says OK and gives me a hug and kiss.

Today I have a couple of errands and then back home.  It got down near freezing last night and is still very cold this morning.  Amazing record breaking weather for May in these parts.