My grandson and daughter brought the car down Sunday and spent a little time visiting. I hope this whole thing turns out well. At least he is not in over his head.
Years ago I always spent my holidays doing work around the house because I was always behind and it was a good time to catch up. It happened this year. I spent Memorial day doing ironing and cleaning and generally trying to feel in control.
I went to see Cowboy on Tuesday. We went out and looked at the flowers and pulled out some of the weeds. He still will do this and seems in tune with what he is doing. They look pretty good although the zinnias that thought were hard to kill are not doing all that well.
I had a doctors appt on Wednesday on my eye surgery. Everything is healing as expected and no problems. He released me.
On Wednesday I got a call that there was a GPS device on the car that needed to be disconnected and returned. My grandson had tried to disconnect it Sunday without success. I took the Maserati to a car repair place and asked them to do that and also change the oil and check it out, etc.
Last night I went with a friend to see the Mexican freetailed bats leave their nests and fly out to find food (insects). It was a lovely evening and we had a great time. Now you know where I am, Austin, Texas. (well, actually, a suburb.) We were on a boat and it was a lovely evening. However, because of the wind, it was after dark before they emerged so it was hard to see much. Nonetheless, it was fun and and I enjoyed seeing the skyline and all the people on the bridge, etc. Took lots of pictures.
Today I went to see Cowboy and he was doing fine. I don't think he always coorperates at bathtime and to get a shave, etc. but he is content and reasonably clean and neat.
I made arrangements today to take him out Saturday for our anniversary (36 years). He loves BBQ ribs so think will go to Applebees. That is not terribly special but to him I think it will be and it it not too far from the home.
Came back this afternoon and started a project to organize the study and all my files. That should keep me out of trouble for a few days at least.
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