Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 7

Not much happening on the weekend.  I slept late and mostly was lazy Saturday.  Sunday I went to see Cowboy.  He was in the bed and napping.  He is usually in his recliner.  His being in bed during the day doesn't happen often.

We had lunch and went out but it was chilly so didn't stay out but a few minutes.

Yesterday I had a busy day.  I went to the bank, picked up bags of ice and picked up a small table that was having a glass cover made for.  Then home and last minute cleaning.  Then off to practice for two hours.  Then back to set up for Bunco at my house last night.

Bunco was lots of fun and I always enjoy the ladies.  That is my time for this year.

Today I went to see Cowboy.  He was in the bed again and sleeping when I got there about 10AM.  It is a beautiful day, about 75 out so I got him up and we went out to check out the flowers and walk around a bit. I was getting his walker for him and he says "I don't need that anymore."  No use arguing with him so I told him I was going to use it and he says "OK".  (after a few minutes I hand it over to him and he gratefully takes it without a word).

I am back home.  Had to be here for a fellow to come and wash the windows.   It has been a couple of years so is time.  and then at 5 another fellow is coming to replace the can lights in my kitchen, change the AC filter and I am going to talk to him about the very dirty fan on the patio that is up about 10 feet.  Maybe we can "power wash" it.    Recently all of the can lights in my kitchen began to blow.  They have a supposed life of 7 1/2 years but we put them in about 6 years ago.  I must be extra hard on my lights.  I am glad there are lots of handyman types around here.  Don't know what I would do without them.

For years you wash your own windows, your own car, your own dog and then all of the sudden you can't manage it.  Nor can you get on a ladder to change lights, filters, etc. There is salt that is too heavy to load into the water softener. and then there are the little things like tightening a screw  (well actually I can still do that myself).  So we pay somebody to do lots of things these days.

My oldest daughter will turn 50 tomorrow.  I have been thinking about that day 50 years ago and how I would never have believed it if someone had been able to tell me how my life would play out.   Wow, I am beginning to feel the passing of time.  I started this blog when I was 66 and I will soon be 69.  Just that is hard to believe.

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