Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29

The band played a gig this past Friday night for an Octoberfest party.  It was the last one.  Good thing.  We were getting sick of so much oom pah pah type music.

The dulcimer group went over to the VA home yesterday and played for the guys in the memory unit in the morning and then for the rest of the home in the PM.  We had a good audience and they really enjoyed it.  Cowboy was really having fun.  At one point he got up and went to the bathroom and he almost "danced" down the hall.

In between sets we had pizza and they let Cowboy come over and eat with us.  I don't think he had pizza since going into the home, at least nothing this good.  He really enjoyed it.

There were 12 of us, including 8 dulcimers, a bass fiddle, my fiddle, an accordion and our percussionist who plays everything from a drum to a triangle to a washboard to a tambourine.  It is a challenge to pack up, drive there, take our own chairs, set up in a space not meant to hold that many people and keep things going.  I am so grateful for the group and their willingness to do this.  Before we had even finished our second set one of the staff was asking when we could come back.

The flowers are doing better and I now have hopes they will stay pretty through the fall.  The guys really enjoy them as well.

this afternoon I am going to a dulcimer practice and a pot luck.  Made some broccoli slaw to take.  It will be good fellowship.

tomorrow I plan to do some housework and other chores around here.  Will head back over to see Cowboy on Thursday.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24

Got up yesterday AM and went to  Cedar Park Texas Veterans Commission again.  Finally got everything done and turned in.  Now we wait and wait.....and wait.............and wait.  He told me that because of volume and sequestration it would be at least 2 years and probably longer before is processed.  I asked what happens if Cowboy passes away before it is processed.  He said the process is stopped and we file different forms and wait some more.  Somebody really needs to fix this mess.  We are not hurting because of the delays but I am confident there are many who are.  Mercy.....

I came back and treated myself to a manicure and pedicure and some down time.  I am better now.

Today I did laundry, filled up the cars, took a long walk, did some cooking.  Anyone for salmon?

Also did some paperwork related to Emergency Management Committee.  Had occasion to talk to the Chairman and I told her as soon as the current project is completed I am going to resign.  Need to do less.

I am going to drop out of book club too.  It isn't that I don't enjoy it but need to have fewer deadlines and stress. I want to read what I want to read and take however much time that takes.   I am getting to where I only want to do what I really enjoy and not have so many committments.

Tomorrow morning I will be going over to see Cowboy.  It is supposed to be a beautiful day around 80 and sunny.  Will stay for lunch and participate in whatever they have going on.

Tomorrow night the band is doing another Octoberfest gig.  Last one.  Then we will start working on Christmas music.   Also will be working with a neighbor who is a pianist preparing some music for the neighborhood Christmas party.

2014 is going to be a new chapter with fewer committments and more down time and time to read and be more relaxed with Cowboy and our time together.

Cowboy is amazing.  Once the Dr.  told him "You are one tough old bird".  He is right.  He is exceeding everyone's expectations.  That doesn't mean he is not deteriorating.  It just means it isn't happening near as quickly as is normally anticipated.  I am grateful for the time with him.  Even now he is affectionate a good part of the time and generally in a good humor.  He just lives in a world that is hard to penetrate sometimes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22

I need to vent today. Yesterday I picked up the paperwork from the Dr. and headed to the Texas Veterans Commission in Cedar Park.  I had not even opened the envelope but when got there and looked at it I discovered the Dr. had used my "sample" to show him what needed to be included to write it up and and sign.  Well, the VA is not going to accept a form that has SAMPLE written across it.  How did the Dr. miss that?

I took it back to the Dr. this morning and asked to talk to the nurse.  She was too busy so the receptionist wrote down what I needed and then I left to go see Cowboy.

The morning was lovely and we enjoyed the weather for a bit and then went in for an "activity".  They had a Karaoke set up and all the fellows were singing patriotic songs.  Cowboy sang too and at one point had tears in his eyes.  After that they put on old Cowboy songs and he continued singing his heart out.  They had the words up on the big TV screen but I think he knew them all.  Everything from Delta Dawn to the Gambler to Always on My Mind.  Fun and rewarding for the patients.

Came back and had a message that the paperwork was ready so I went and picked it up and headed back to Cedar Park.  I should have looked at it but I didn't and when I got there and opened it I found it still was not right.  Back home and I called and made an appointment with the Dr.  It wasn't 30 minutes until the nurse calls and wants to know what it was about.  She said to bring the forms back down and they would fix them, no need for an appointment.  Back I went and FINALLY got what I needed.  When I asked the nurse how he got it wrong when I had left detailed info with the receptionist, she said "He probably didn't even look at the note".  Between the VA and Dr. it has been a day.  I was basically in tears at one point.  It should not be this hard.  It is 4:30 and I am worn out.

Supposed to go to practice tonight.  With the concerts that are coming up, guess I better go.  Good news is that I had a good lunch with Cowboy and can just fix a sandwich this evening.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21

Attended a nice neighborhood coffee Friday morning.  It was a nice time.  I had to go back for seconds on the egg casserole.  It was great and there was fresh fruit and coffee cake too.

I went to the dulcimer practice on Saturday and then did some shopping.

Sunday I went to see Cowboy.  It was beautiful outside but a little cool.  I had brought him a leather jacket and gloves and he put them on and then got too warm almost immediately.  We sat in the sun outside for a good long while.  He talked to the squirrels and got very into a little bird in the shrubbery.  He seems to really notice little critters and get involved with them.  We had lunch and then I headed back.

Last night the neighborhood threw an Octoberfest and we had bratwurt, kraut, beer and all the extras.  The band got to eat first and then we played for about 45 minutes.  It was a great time.  We did really well and the people were clapping and singing and dancing.

Found out this morning that the Maserati needs a new battery and that is being done as we speak.  I may have it sold.  Will know this week.

Took a nice long walk.  It is in the 70's and very nice today.

Got a call from the Dr. and the VA paperwork is done so am leaving and going to get it and then  to Cedar Park to the Texas VA Commission to give it to my rep.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, September 17

It rained all day yesterday and that gave me a chance to dawdle in the house and relax.  Had a pile of bills and correspondence so I attacked that.  I had a letter from the VA wanting more documentation on the appeal we filed back in February so gathered all of that up.  I also had another letter from them wanting to confirm how many dependents Cowboy had.

This morning I went to see the Texas Veterans Commission representative that I have been working with and we got the paperwork all lined out.  Needed Cowboy's signature on some things.  Even though I have a power of attorney and am the appointed fiduciary for his affairs the VA still wants his signature.  They just have their own set of rules that defy understanding.

I drove up to see Cowboy.  It was a beautiful day today and much cooler so we walked around outside and then sat outside for a good long while.

We went back to his room and I tried to explain that I needed him to sign some papers.  He takes them and tries to read and understand them.  I don't think even a PHD could understand why we are having to resubmit stuff that they already have.  Actually, I am not sure that they didn't hire a monkey to create these forms.  They in no way have anything that remotely relates to the case.  Anyway, after staring at them for a good long while he asks more questions.  It is a difficult exercise because he can't comprehend much of what I am saying.

He finally signs in all the right places and now I just need to get a form to the doctor and we will send it all in again.  The Commission said to expect it to take 2 more years to hear anything.

I missed going to book club this morning but I had not finished the book so wouldn't have had much to contribute.

I bought a bicycle today from a neighbor for exercise.  It is going to take a little while to get comfortable on it but should be good for me.  and the weather is cooler and so I am actually willing to get out.  I bought a "trike" once several years ago when I was having foot issues but I really didn't like riding it and ended up selling it.

Still sitting on the Mazerati.  Went out to start it yesterday and the battery was dead.  Next week when I have more time I will have to deal with that.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15

I have been a bad girl this past week.  Didn't realize had been so long since I posted.  Last week was a "bear".

Monday, rehearsal and Bunco.  Tuesday AM, neighborhood social committee planning meeting, PM Emergency Management meeting, followed by task force meeting with deliverables to work on.  Wednesday,  got house cleaned and then went to see Cowboy followed by a status meeting with staff at the home.  Thursday, 2 Dr. appointments.  Got cleared as done on eyes which is great, met with new dermatologist about rash and he prescribed a new prescription regimen.  Pharmacy out and had to order.  After two trips finally got medicine.  Friday, got a haircut (she cut way too short this time !) and neighborhood luncheon followed by resting up for evening of performing for a neighborhood party.  The party went well and we ate there.  Home before 9.

I really am working on cutting down on my commitments and having more time to just chill.

On Saturday I went to rehearsal with the dulcimers.  We are working on the program for the VA home on the 28th of this month.  Sunday, went to see Cowboy and then on  to see a new great grandchild in Dallas. Her name is Avri Dior and she weighed 7 lbs 15 oz at birth.  Everyone is fine.  My great grandaughter in law's Mom and Aunt were there so she has plenty of help for the moment.   Lovely visit, terrible traffic going up and coming back on Monday.  Rain, rain, rain.....

Today I went back to see Cowboy and took some replacement flowers which we planted.  I told those folks that I am done.  Either these take hold or we just give up and get some professional help.  Don't get why we are not having more success.

Cowboy was in a really good place today.  We went outside and walked around and then I went and got the flowers from the car and we planted them and "dead-headed" the flowers that we hope will make it through.  May be the excessive heat.  Learned today from the news that we had the highest temperature in the nation yesterday at 93 degrees.  No wonder they are wilting.  Cowboy seemed to enjoy himself but the knats were terrible and we didn't stay out long.  The humidity is about 80 percent and it is warm today as well.  A front coming in tonight that is supposed to bring in more rain and cooler temps.  Was supposed to have a support group meeting this evening but cancelled due to weather.  Wasn't unhappy about that.  Ready to come home.

When we went back in, we watched part of an old Doris Day movie and then he wanted to go to his room.  He laid down on the bed for a nap so I headed home.

I spent some time on the patio this afternoon after I got home.    It is cooler and the new pergola is really nice.  I moved all of my plants under the patio roof in hopes they will survive this crazy weather.

I may just sleep in tomorrow and listen to the rain come down.  I am feeling melancholy, tired and out of sorts.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday, October 7

Waited all day Friday for the folks who are supposed to install the pergola.  Got an email Friday morning that have been rescheduled for the 9th.    Fourth time.  Personnel and supply problems.  If they don't keep their date this next time may ask for my money back.

On Saturday I went to see Cowboy.  We went outside and discovered some of the mums are not doing well.  I had a lot of "help".  Maybe we didn't get the soil down around the roots good enough.  May have to get a couple more.  One of the residents was given a birthday party by his wife.  They had a big table set up, ordered in fajitas and all the trimmings and a big cake.   There were probably 12 or 15 relatives there for AC's party.  It was really nice and quite a big deal.  He is a really sweet fellow.  He just turned 81.  His wife is a regular participant at the home and comes almost every day for lunch.  I really like her.

Cowboy enjoyed it and ate some of the Mexican food they brought and then turned around an hour later and ate a good bit of his regular lunch.

I decided that today would be a day for me.  After I went early and got groceries I went to the mall and whiled away about 3 hours.  This included a good long walk.  I am trying again to cut back on my food and increase my activity.  Maybe I can drop another 10 pounds.  Didn't need a thing and mostly just browsed around.  Did buy another pair of jammies.  Will be getting cooler soon.

I have made a decision to reduce the number of commitments I make and try to spend more time just relaxing and taking walks, etc.

I have three gigs in October and one in November and the neighborhood Christmas party, then the dulcimer concert in January.  After that I am going to take a break.

This week will be busy, practices, Dr. appts, meetings, etc.  but the calendar looks much better after that.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3

Met with the music selection committee for the dulcimer group yesterday AM and we picked the tunes we will be doing for our concert in January.  There's more to it than you might  think.  Have to consider who is committed, who is not, how to seat everyone, what we need to work on, etc.  Good meeting.

The HVAC people came in the afternoon and checked out the heating system.  Will have to start using it occasionally pretty soon.  All good.

Had another potential buyer for the car come by about 4:30.  He was kind of interested but didn't like my price.  Sent me a note this morning and said to let him know if it didn't sell and I was willing to go lower.  We will see.  I am in no hurry.

Went to see Cowboy this morning.  Took him another pair of glasses.  Never have found the missing pair.  We sat outside almost the whole visit.  It was a lovely morning.  I was going to go to the PX after my visit with him and order him another pair of glasses and then make a run to the commissary for a few items.   On the way, I was listening to the radio and the base commander was talking about the government shutdown and how it affected them.  The PX and commissary are closed.  Now, why didn't I realize that??  Guess we will have to wait.  Still hoping to find his good pair.

After we had sat outside for a while he said he needed to go to the bathroom so we headed back to his room.  By the time we got there he had forgotten that and I had to remind him to go.  First time that has

I got to thinking about something I said Monday in my post about going out and having a hard life.  I regret saying that.  It is not what I meant.  I am so grateful to the friends who occasionally ask me to do something.  A friend asks me to go to the symphony.  Another friend says let's go have dinner.  I am so thankful I have these people in my life.  It helps keep me going and adds some pleasant times to savor.  This is a good environment for someone in my situation because there are people around you who look after you and care about you and include you.  Bless you all.