Got up yesterday AM and went to Cedar Park Texas Veterans Commission again. Finally got everything done and turned in. Now we wait and wait.....and wait.............and wait. He told me that because of volume and sequestration it would be at least 2 years and probably longer before is processed. I asked what happens if Cowboy passes away before it is processed. He said the process is stopped and we file different forms and wait some more. Somebody really needs to fix this mess. We are not hurting because of the delays but I am confident there are many who are. Mercy.....
I came back and treated myself to a manicure and pedicure and some down time. I am better now.
Today I did laundry, filled up the cars, took a long walk, did some cooking. Anyone for salmon?
Also did some paperwork related to Emergency Management Committee. Had occasion to talk to the Chairman and I told her as soon as the current project is completed I am going to resign. Need to do less.
I am going to drop out of book club too. It isn't that I don't enjoy it but need to have fewer deadlines and stress. I want to read what I want to read and take however much time that takes. I am getting to where I only want to do what I really enjoy and not have so many committments.
Tomorrow morning I will be going over to see Cowboy. It is supposed to be a beautiful day around 80 and sunny. Will stay for lunch and participate in whatever they have going on.
Tomorrow night the band is doing another Octoberfest gig. Last one. Then we will start working on Christmas music. Also will be working with a neighbor who is a pianist preparing some music for the neighborhood Christmas party.
2014 is going to be a new chapter with fewer committments and more down time and time to read and be more relaxed with Cowboy and our time together.
Cowboy is amazing. Once the Dr. told him "You are one tough old bird". He is right. He is exceeding everyone's expectations. That doesn't mean he is not deteriorating. It just means it isn't happening near as quickly as is normally anticipated. I am grateful for the time with him. Even now he is affectionate a good part of the time and generally in a good humor. He just lives in a world that is hard to penetrate sometimes.
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