Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3

Met with the music selection committee for the dulcimer group yesterday AM and we picked the tunes we will be doing for our concert in January.  There's more to it than you might  think.  Have to consider who is committed, who is not, how to seat everyone, what we need to work on, etc.  Good meeting.

The HVAC people came in the afternoon and checked out the heating system.  Will have to start using it occasionally pretty soon.  All good.

Had another potential buyer for the car come by about 4:30.  He was kind of interested but didn't like my price.  Sent me a note this morning and said to let him know if it didn't sell and I was willing to go lower.  We will see.  I am in no hurry.

Went to see Cowboy this morning.  Took him another pair of glasses.  Never have found the missing pair.  We sat outside almost the whole visit.  It was a lovely morning.  I was going to go to the PX after my visit with him and order him another pair of glasses and then make a run to the commissary for a few items.   On the way, I was listening to the radio and the base commander was talking about the government shutdown and how it affected them.  The PX and commissary are closed.  Now, why didn't I realize that??  Guess we will have to wait.  Still hoping to find his good pair.

After we had sat outside for a while he said he needed to go to the bathroom so we headed back to his room.  By the time we got there he had forgotten that and I had to remind him to go.  First time that has

I got to thinking about something I said Monday in my post about going out and having a hard life.  I regret saying that.  It is not what I meant.  I am so grateful to the friends who occasionally ask me to do something.  A friend asks me to go to the symphony.  Another friend says let's go have dinner.  I am so thankful I have these people in my life.  It helps keep me going and adds some pleasant times to savor.  This is a good environment for someone in my situation because there are people around you who look after you and care about you and include you.  Bless you all.

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