Really busy week. When I got over to see Cowboy last Sunday he had a cold and was not feeling all that well. I talked to the nurse. There seems to be a bug going around. One of the problems of lots of people together. They are doing a chest x-ray and breathing treatments.
Monday I was a driver for a ladies luncheon in Austin. There were 11 of us. Nice lunch and lots of shopping for Christmas type goodies. I bought some dip mix, an ornament, a cute X-mas wine bottle stopper. I drooled over some other things but kept from going overboard.
Monday night was bunco. It is always fun and I love visiting with everybody.
Tuesday I went back to check on Cowboy. He seems a bit more chipper and energetic but still has a cold. He ate a good lunch and then we went back and he went to sleep.
I headed back and went to Sears and bought a new water softener. Over $500 ! I grew up with hard water and we used a lot of vinegar to cut the film, even when shampooing our hair. I thought for just a moment maybe I could return to that approach. But hard water is hard on the plumbing and your appliances, etc so guess will do what is necessary.
Wednesday it was pouring down rain and was a good day to stay in. I stayed in my pajamas all day. Didn't feel so great myself, had a headache, so mostly diddled around. Did do some laundry and clean the toilets, etc and did some cooking. It is nice to just diddle now and then.
Yesterday morning I took the car in for an oil change, tire rotation, etc. All is good. I then drove to the PX and ordered the prescription glasses the doc prescribed (even though I am doing great without glasses, will be interesting to see if it makes a difference.
Then I went to see Cowboy. He was doing a breathing treatment when I got there. The nurse said his X-ray was clear and he has no fever but is stuffy. She thinks maybe it is just allergies. I know I have been having a time with mold lately and fighting headaches and fatigue. Maybe one and the same.
This morning I went to the Emergency Management Committee meeting and presented a proposal from our task force. We got their blessing to go forward with a plan to document those persons with special needs in all our neighborhoods and a little money for start up.
Then off the play at an alzhiemers facility with the dulcimer group. Will follow this with a little shopping. About out of a few things. busy, busy, busy.......
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