Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, November 20

Saturday had dulcimer practice and then spent the rest of the day cleaning up after the handyman.  He came Saturday morning and installed the water softener, the microwave and some electrical outlets for me in the closet.

Sunday morning I spent with tea and the paper and then went to see Cowboy in the PM.  We spent most of the time outside.  He walked quite a bit and then he wanted to clean out the flower beds.  Every leaf had to be removed from around the flowers and every leaf on the sidewalk had to go.  Mostly he instructed me what to do.  It was a nice peaceful afternoon.  His cold is better but he continues to cough a bit.  It has to be allergy.

I went to see Cowboy again yesterday in the afternoon and we repeated Sunday's routine.  Nice day.  He is shuffling a lot when he walks but keeps going which is good.  I continually worry he will fall down.

Went to support group at 5.  Only myself and two other ladies last night.  There are some who just don't want to stay after dark and drive.  They really need to change the time.  No meeting in December and then they will try to change the time come January.

A friend and employee from the home followed me home and helped me move some furniture and load the electronic piano into my car.  I am taking it to the grandkids in Dallas.  Between the two of us we managed to get it in the car.  He also put the salt in the new water softener.  He is going to come back Friday eve and help me get the Christmas down from the attic, box up some books and other stuff I can't manage on my own.  He is a sweetie, although a bit different.  Has school age children and needs money.  Seems he is going to fix Thanksgiving dinner for his kids although has never done it before.  I gave him lots of instructions.  Will be interesting to see how that goes.

I am going to stay home today and work on setting up my new dressing area.  We moved Cowboy's clothes to the guest bedroom.  I don't know what to do with all his things but am not going to deal with it right now.  There are hats and boots and stuff that some of the kids might want eventually but I don't think any of them can wear his things and only one likes western things.  I will just worry about it later.

Tomorrow I have a couple of meetings to go to and need to copy some music so will be busy with that.  Will go back to see Cowboy on Friday and leave for Dallas on Saturday and come back Sunday or Monday AM.

I have decided to renew my passport and book a trip or two for next year.  I am not getting any younger and really want to do a few things.  Of course, I have to be prepared to change my plans at any time.

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