Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24

Found out Saturday am getting a whole new roof and they are going to fix the ceiling too.  Won't be for a couple of weeks but the deal is done.  yea !!

Went to see Cowboy yesterday.  Had planned to go Saturday but it was pouring down rain so didn't want to deal with it.  It was gorgeous out yesterday.  We walked around outside for quite a while and Cowboy kept picking up the leaves that had fallen.  Some of them were large and quite pretty, oak and maple..  We also picked up acorns and examined them carefully.  Cowboy talked about me taking them all home??????

My daughter bought a 60 inch TV for the game room Saturday.  Are getting it hung on the wall this afternoon.  The game room is coming together.  I haven't bothered with much upstairs and because she travels it is taking awhile but it is going to be really neat.  Still need to find a bar and some other things.

Things are coming together for Thanksgiving.  Looks like we are going to have a houseful.  Don't think can put both a turkey and a ham in the oven at the same time and then there all the sides.  Am going to have to figure out how to do it all.

I am going to go get Cowboy on Wednesday and take him back on Friday.  They have a rule of not keeping them out more than 48 hours.  I explained it to him yesterday and made arrangements with staff to have him ready.

Happy Thanksgiving !!

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