Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19

I went to see Cowboy on Sunday and then again today.  On Sunday he seemed very surprised to see me and asked me why I was there on a "Sunday?"  Since I often go on Sunday can't say where that came from.  It was cold and wet so we stayed in and spent some time in the common area and watched some TV.  He was restless but cheerful.

Today he was in a really good humor. For some unexplained reason traffic was light and it went well going and coming home.   Still cold so couldn't get out.  We looked at the newspaper, walked around and just hung out. He spent some time looking at the grocery ad and got all wrapped up in the customer loyalty requirement on the sale items.  I tried to explain it but he just couldn't comprehend what I was talking about.

 I bought him two pair of jeans on Sunday after my visit and I brought them to him.  They fit fine.  Some of his jeans seemed to have "left the building".

The dentist was there Monday did the impression to modify his bridge.  He looks kind of funny with no teeth on the bottom in front.  He can still eat but with some difficulty.

I made arrangements for a podiatrist to visit and to order him a pair of shoes.  His current shoes are 3 years old and I think we are supposed to get new ones every year.  I have been a bad girl letting it go like this.

My roof is still not fixed.  Am in a "kerfuffle" with the insurance company.  A new adjuster and my roofer were here Saturday to reinspect it and I am waiting to hear from them.  The roofer seems to think they will approve replacing the whole roof. Here's hoping.........

I had a handyman here last Thursday and he finished the guest bathroom and painted a little bit of the ceiling where my grandson had accidentally got some green paint on the white ceiling.

Yesterday the pool man told me there is no electricity to the pump for the pool.  Geez !!  I swear it is always something.  Called an electrician and he will be here tomorrow.  I have a son-in-law who is an electrician.  Unfortunately, he is in upstate New York.

Won't be long I will have this place in good shape (I hope).

A friend of mine and her husband are going with me on a trip in January.  She plays accordion with the group I used to be in and is a retired nurse.   Her hubby is a retired Lutheran minister and very nice.  They used to help me out with Cowboy when he was still at home.

I am so excited.  I am going to Peru and will see Machu Pichu and Lima.  Then I will go to Chile, landing in Santiago.  Don't have all the details handy at the moment but will make a stop in Patagonia then on to Argentina.

After that not sure what might want to do.  My daughter wants to plan a trip to Australia and to start putting money aside for that.  Since she travels all the time she has lots of airline miles and wants to accumulate enough for the flight for both of us.  Will take about another year, she thinks.

I can't complain.  Am sitting here in my easy chair in a warm and attractive house and have talked to several family members over the course of the day.

I have this neat recipe for salmon that I am going to try tomorrow.  It calls for bourbon so had to make a stop at the liquor store but will be fun to try.  Working on Thanksgiving dinner in my head.

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