Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12

Had a great time in Georgetown this past weekend.  Went to the museum and enjoyed a dulcimer concert Friday night and then some friends and I went out to eat.  Saturday AM went to dulcimer practice and played with them.  then Saturday afternoon I had lunch with the friend I am staying with and the friend I am going to South America with, then went to see the little dog I gave to a neighbor months ago.  I still miss her.   I couldn't tell if she knew me but I like to think she did.  Since she loves absolutely everyone it is hard to say.  I then went to visit another friend in my old neighborhood.

Stayed in Saturday night and helped my friend eat some of the left overs that were accumulating.

Sunday afternoon I went to see Cowboy.  He was doing fine.  Then back to Georgetown for the party the neighborhood was having.  What fun to see my old neighbors.  They had a great band.

I came home Monday after lunch with a couple of buddies from the old neighborhood.  A really great extended weekend.  Sometimes I feel sad about leaving all the wonderful people and it was heartwarming to see them.

The roof was started on Monday and completed on Tuesday.  On Wednesday the painter came and repaired the stains on the ceiling. On Thursday the electrician came and put up the light fixture in the game room.   I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

I got early today and drove down to see Cowboy.  There was a Christmas party for the staff this morning that started at 10 AM.  I had made deviled eggs to take and also had bought a gift for the gift exchange.  There was lots of food and merriment.  The residents got their usual lunch but since I am a volunteer and he is my spouse he was able to eat from the party table. At first, he ate an egg and a small piece of sausage. Then his appetite kicked in and he decided he wanted a full plate, then he decided he needed another one.  Then he decided he had to have some of the banana pudding.  Once again I don't know where he puts it all.

It was a nice day and we walked about outside for a few minutes, then went in and listened to Christmas music.

I am going to have to get in some shopping this week for the little ones and finish the decorating.  I did get the tree up on Wednesday and most of the decor is in place.  I scoured the house looking for my Christmas tablecloth.  Must have spent two hours.  I am definitely losing my sense of organization as I get older.  I finally found it in with some of the stuff in the Christmas boxes.  I keep all of those type of things in the linen closet. What was I thinking.

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