Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday, January 1

I just realized I have been keeping this blog for almost a year.  It has been very helpful.  Those who have an interest can check and I don't find myself spending tons of time answering individual inquiries.  Maybe even more important I think it has been good for me.  I shall continue.

We took Cowboy to the plastic surgeon on Thursday morning and he got an exellent report on his knee wound.  It is healing just as it should and she thinks it will be completely well in another 4 or 5 weeks.  We are to just keep doing what we are doing.  She asked if anything else was going on and I told her about the new sores.  She took a look.  Her opinion is that Cowboy's are  minor and the antibiotic they have us on should knock them out.  She looked at mine and said was a bad idea to leave until next week and asked if I would like for her to take care of it.  Wow, how often does that happen.  Not on her schedule, not even her patient and she offers to take care of me.  We left the office with me a happy camper (although shots under the arm are not fun).  When we got home had a message from our PCP and they did find staph in both our noses so he ordered some nose cream for us both plus said to continue with the phisohex baths once a week.

You know, one of the things that is wrong with Medicare are the requirements that the nurse come on a regular schedule and for a certain period of time whether you need them or not.  Think about it.  Cowboy saw 2 Dr.s and then a nurse in three days.  Should be able to manage all of that better.

After we left the Dr.  I took Cowboy to IHOP.  Bad idea.  I think the entire world decided to visit IHOP this past Thursday.  Had to wait for a table and then 45 minutes for our food and it was noisy with an unhappy toddler very near us.  Cowboy couldn't wait to get out of there (but he did eat all his food).

Friday the nurse came and left dressings and tape, etc. and checked Cowboy.  She had not gotten out the door until our handyman came.  I needed a toilet paper dispenser repaired and a new shower head installed and then he put up the outside Christmas decor.  He is such a jewel.

Marsha came before he left so I was running around, sans makeup and not making any progress getting ready to leave.  Once I got out the door I went and had a pedicure and read my paper.  This was followed by getting the car filled and washed and a stop for a few grocery items.  Tons of people everywhere.  Guess because the kids are out of school and lots of Moms and Dads are off.  Three hours are up!

I got up and fixed breakfast this morning and then took my shower.  Was trying to get the tape residue off my arm and get a new dressing on.  It would be much easier if I had three arms instead of two.  But things are coming along.

My neighbor across the street, who also has a small dog, is taking our dog with them when they walk.  Some background.  Friday afternoon I had a call from a neighbor who had found a dog and thought it might be ours.  It wasn't but I thought it might belong to a lady I know a few houses down and around the block.  I couldn't get her on the phone so I went looking to see if she might be out looking for her dog.    Couldn't find her but when I got home Cowboy asked me where I had been and that he had been looking for me.  Then a neighbor called and said she saw him out walking and when she asked him where he was going he said he was looking for me.  I am going to cut down how many times I leave for more than a very few minutes.  I have such amazing neighbors and feel so blessed.  We just look out after each other (and each others dogs!)

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