Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, January 19

Things have been pretty calm this week.  I did go for a mammogram Tuesday (routine) and then I took Cowboy with me and we went to the drugstore and the grocery store.  He moves very slowly so it took all morning but he needs exercise and to get out.

Tuesday afternoon the band practiced.  We have a couple of gigs coming up at two day care programs.  I plan to just take Cowboy with me.

Marsha was here yesterday and I had six hours and not much in the way of plans.  Went to the mall and to a couple of furniture stores and looked around and back home.

We had book club this morning at my house.  I just put Cowboy and the dog on the bed with the TV and it worked out fine.  He never even peeked out.

The doctor told me to start the application process for the VA home. There is a waiting list of up to six months to get into their memory care unit.  I have not done so yet.  I just can't seem to get started.  Guess I just don't want to think about it.  He may be fine at home for a good long while.  On the other hand, one of these days he may just start going down quickly.  I will get it done soon.

Tonight he ate everything on his plate !!  We had grilled tilapia, fried squash, potato salad and cucumbers. 

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