Monday I went to the dentist for a cleaning and to check on a sore spot on my gums. Turns out there was a popcorn hull stuck in my gum. Everything is good and healthy.
Both of us have now had eye appointments, dentist cleanings and hopefully will now have fewer doctor appointments.
Tuesday AM I had my follow up on my arm. It looks good I am told. I will be so glad when we get all this staph business behind us. It has taken a toll in time and energy (and comfort)
Tuesday the band started practicing again. We kicked it off by having an informal meal after practice. One of the ladies brought shrimp creole and everyone brought salad, bread, dessert, drinks, etc. Was a really nice time. Cowboy sat down with us and ate everything except salad. Maybe I should get the recipe !
While Marsha was here on Wednesday I went to Barnes and Noble and took a short NOOK class. It was very helpful. I found out several things I needed to know. One of the most important is that now I can read a book in bed without the light on. Cowboy really wants me in bed earlier than I like and this way I can read without disturbing his rest. I also went to a couple of stores and just browsed and then bought groceries.
I started getting everything together this week for taxes. I am an early bird on getting that kind of thing done so can keep tabs on where we are.
Cowboy is showing some new behaviors of late. I don't know if you would call it compulsive obsessive but he goes around shutting doors if they are open and turning off lights. On the one hand that is good but he keeps turning off a light when I am planning on being in that room doing something. We use the flourescent bulbs and they take a little while to get to full light so I will flip on the kitchen lights as I go by knowing I plan to come back and do something in the kitchen. When I arrive I find the lights are off. Or I will be hauling laundry from the laundry room to the bedrrom and when I get there the door is shut and I don't have a free hand to open it.
He also is once again refusing to wear the athletic clothes to protect the wound. All I can do is wrap it up good and keep an eye out. and then he will take his pants off and take the bandage off to "check it".
No appointments or anywhere to be today. YEAH! I cooked a pot roast today and Cowboy ate the vegetables and some bread but very little of the meat. So much for that. I am about to decide to limit his diet to fish and chicken. It is all I can count on him eating and then sometimes not even that. I also think I am going to spend less time worrying about what he eats. I am driving myself nutty and what for? Plus we have an awful lot of wasted food and I have a hard time with that as well. If he isn't going to eat salad why do I buy it? It is time to simplify a bit and not obsess about it.
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