Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12

I just figured out that a post I  did the other day somehow didn't get saved.  Probably my own lack of skill.

So much going on right now.  It has been a nightmare.  Four days of very loud fans, then several days of folks in the house figuring out everything that needs to be repaired, then the negotiations between the insurance folks and the contractor.  I think we are almost there.  I want all of this resolved and the work done.  My two remaining sisters and I have planned a get together for March and I want it all done before then.  Am I deluding myself?

Just this minute had a call from the contractor and am hoping to talk to the "flooring specialist" with the insurance company tomorrow.  Originally they were talking a complete floor replacement but I don't want to do that and it is absolutely not necessary.  Come on.....$32,000 to replace all of the floor !!  I only pay the deductible but still.........

I went to see Cowboy on Monday and again today.  He is doing fine.  I took him a little valentine bear and a small box of candy and a card.  He was pleased.  Won't get back for actual Valentine's day, too much here.

There are three of the men who I was fond of who have passed away recently.  It is sad and at times hard to deal with.  I am talking about fellows who would talk to me and give me a hug (and I gave them hugs too).  Herman was the most recent.  He was always cheerful and affectionate and behaved like a gentleman.  I was surprised as he didn't seem that far along on his journey.  He passed while I was on my trip.

Cowboy has made friends with a couple of fellows who arrived recently.  He doesn't make friends easily but I am pleased that he has met some fellows to whom he can relate.  Their names are "Charlie" and "Pete".  They talk to him regularly and Charlie eats at his table.

I managed to get my teeth cleaned, a pedicure, pick up the cleaning and get the oil changed in the car this week, despite all the appointments that were on the calendar.  I also got my  taxes finished.  I am going to have to pay this year so will wait until right before April 15 to actually send them in.

Tomorrow I take the dog to "Puppy College".  She will be there for two weeks learning how to respond to commands and how to behave.  My daughter set it up.  She is adorable but a real challenge.  So much energy !!  Here's hoping we get the desired results.

I plan to concentrate on getting the house clean the next day or two in preparation for the onslaught on  painters, etc.  The bathrooms are in need of attention.

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