Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, February 28

I have readers fussing at me because it is so long between posts.  It is a combination of busy, distracted, frustrated and just plain lazy.

The past week has been largely taken up with poorly motivated workers, a less than competent project manager (could do a much better job than this young man), bad weather, poor communication and bad estimates.  I am so tired of this whole business.  The good news is the work is almost completed and then I can concentrate on getting things in order.

My sisters will be here on the 11th.  We have been trying to put this visit together for two years and now I am the problem.  It is going to happen whether the house is ready or not.

Our puppy came home today.  She is doing really well.  I never thought I would see her so obedient.  Now I just have to do all the right things and we have a well trained dog..  It is hard  because the weather is terrible and it is downright dangerous to go outside and it is really cold.  At the moment she is laying on me in the easy chair and snoring so loud I can hear her.  It is really kind of funny.

My daughter was trying to get home on Thursday from Fresno  but due to the weather she finally got home this morning at 9AM  (long story), but doesn't have her luggage and has to leave in the AM for Baltimore.  I don't know how she does it.  The good news is she is banking some good earnings.

I went to see Cowboy on Monday and again yesterday.  Despite the weather he is in a good humor and is eating well and sleeping well.  He was actually outside walking around in 38 degree weather yesterday when I got there.  He was excited about all the birds that were eating and playing.  There were lots of birds and they were having a great time.

Terrible coming home.  The weather is playing havoc with this part of Texas. 

I talked to my daughter in New York today.  Wanted to tell her how much Cowboy liked the lap quilt she made for him.  It is patriotic and colorful.  She told me they have 18 inches of snow and it is supposed to be 17 below tonight.  Guess I shouldn't complain.

I always look forward to spring but really need it this year. 

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