Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

This has been a goofy week.  I went to see Cowboy on Tuesday because the predictions were for bad weather the rest of the week.  and it has been.  Fourth largest snow ever in March, more snow than has been seen in years, one day with 1/4 inch ice covered by 4 inches of snow.  This city just shuts down because they don't have the staff and equipment to handle the roads.

The workers couldn't get here two days this week so they are still here.  We are not done.  They said they would finish today.  I sure hope so.  I have things to do to get everything straightened up before my sisters arrive.  Right now the game room is full of  bedroom furniture and music room furniture.

I am supposed to play at the home next week and I can't get to anything to prepare.

Talked to Cowboy this morning.   I let him know the dentist will be there on Monday to clean his teeth.  He is also complaining of a toothache.  The nurse gave him Tylenol.  After I thought about it awhile  I called them back and suggested they remove his bridge and clean it and clean his teeth.  He could just have something lodged in there.  Since he was just seen three months ago by the dentist a toothache seems strange.

The sun is shining, the snow is melting and it is supposed to be in the 60's this coming week.  If I can get the workmen out of here today and spend some time this weekend organizing things my mood will definitely improve.  I am excited about my sisters' visit.

I have been tied up with this house for so long and thought I would come home from my trip with time to explore some social activities and instead have spent the past month with things all torn up and dust everywhere, etc.  At one point there were workmen in two of the bathrooms and they had the door off of the remaining one.  Couldn't even go to the bathroom.

While my sisters are here we will go visit Cowboy, probably next Thursday.  I decided to make my other visit this coming Monday so can be there when he sees the dentist.  I will be playing for the residents on Thursday as well. 

Next Saturday my sisters and I will go see our brother who lives a couple of hours away.  His wife is in a wheelchair with MS and my house cannot accommodate that so we will go see him.  This will be the first time we have all been in the same room since another of my sisters passed away.  That was five years ago.

We got the pup back from her training last Saturday and she is doing good.  It is hard to get her outside to do her business in the wet and snow but have had some luck with that and she understands and responds to some of the commands.  She is still very much a "baby".  I just remind myself of that saying, "Happiness is a warm puppy".    I took her with me on Tuesday to the home and the guys just adore her and the staff thinks she is beautiful.  She rides very well and didn't have any accidents.  Her trainer told me that boxers do not make good therapy dogs because they are easily excited.  Well, she seems to be doing OK with them.  She loves the attention.

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