Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29

I am finally beginning to feel a  little better.  Still have tummy upset and no appetite but not coughing much.  Still feel rather drained.  My sister in New Mexico was in the hospital for 5 days but is home now with an oxygen tank.  My sister in Colorado is feeling better but not great.  Wow, what an experience.  Haven't been so sick ever.  The New Mexico Health Dept notified my sister that she had a strain of flu.  It was apparently not included in the flu shot this year.  She is home now with an oxygen tank.  My sister in Colorado is better but not great.  What an awful experience.

I went to see Cowboy on Tuesday and we saw the dentist and they pulled another tooth.  Need to slow this down or he will be toothless!  I have spent a lot of time just sleeping but went to see him again on Friday and he was fine.  I took the pup and we spent some time outside.  Lovely weather.  He really enjoys the dog. We turn her loose and she just runs and runs.  It is a joy to watch.

I am having the back fence replaced this week.  It is about to fall down.  Between that and visiting Cowboy my week will be pretty busy. 

I went over to my grandson # 2 today and his wife cut my hair.  Tomorrow I hope to get my toenails spiffed up and then I may feel half human.  Have a little shopping to do and then off to see Cowboy again on  Tuesday.

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