Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20

We have a daughter and 5 grandchildren who have birthdays between now and the end of the month.  I was telling Cowboy and he had no response or interest.  One of my grandaughters called the other night.  I told him Terri Lynn called and he asked me who Terri Lynn was.  We don't see her often as they live back east but it still made me sad.

Monday I went to the pain management doctor.  I have a lot of pain at the moment.  Got a change of presciption.  He is not sure if it is more of the nerve pain or arthritis or maybe both.  This getting old is for the birds.

Tracy came Monday this week and after my appointment I wandered around some stores, had lunch and went to the grocery store.  I found some toys for the great grandchildren to play with when they visit.  Expecting them in the next weekend or two.

Got a call from the folks making the stained glass window and they said it will be ready in a few days.  Said they were excited to see my reaction.  I can hardly wait.  We started this in January I think.

They started the patio extension this week so that is coming along.

Took Cowboy to the doctor on Tuesday for his regular follow up visit.  No changes were made in his medication.  I told the doc he is tossing around and yelling out in his sleep.  Said to try two of the meds for the "REM Sleep Disturbance". 

Last night I was laying bed reading.  Cowboy had been asleep for about an hour.  All of the sudden he was shouting.  He was saying "He he he he he he he hit me"!.  It was sort of like something a crying five year old would say if someone hit him except it was being delivered in Cowboy's very low, resonant voice.  This morning he was flailing around and it woke me up.

It is 8:30 and Cowboy is still in bed but I better go figure out breakfast.

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