Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday, September 6

I am sitting here looking at a desk totally piled up with piles of paper, coupons, camera equipment, receipts, etc.  Time to tidy up.

I bought a new camera this week!  The one I have is large, heavy and I learned very out of date.  Can you believe it.  I spent $900 for a camera in 2007 and when I go to buy memory cards can only get them at a camera store and are told "back in those days".    It takes great pics so I am still going to use it so bought some cards.  I can use it locally along with its heavy bulky lens.   Was told it wouldn't be long before I wouldn't be able to get them anymore.  Anyway I ruined my little one when I went to Costa Rica so I bought a little better one.  It is smaller and lighter but still has considerable zoom.  I am excited about having a good one for my trips.

We booked the South America trip for January.  I know I will like this.  We are going to visit Peru, Chile and Argentina.  I am going with a dear friend from my former community.

I went to see Cowboy yesterday.  He was outside.  The aide said he goes to this same place every day under the trees, away from the rather busy main patio and sits and looks at the trees and birds and squirrels.  Seems quite content.  I know I have often found him there.

She went to get him for me and we went back to his room and visited for a while and then went out to the common room and sat.   He looks at me sometimes with a rather puzzled look.  Not sure if he doesn't get who I am or what.   He has a hard time putting together a sentence.  What comes out is just gibberish but every now and then he will say something just clear as a bell.   Traffic was bad.  I don't like Fridays.

This coming week I have to take my daughter to two physical therapy appointments and an eye doctor appointment.  She is trying to take care of all these things while she is home this few weeks.  They have released her to travel starting the 15th.

This past week we got grandson #4 signed up for a trade school (Job Corps) in San Marcos.  It is about 4 hours from here.  He is going to learn to be an electrician.  He really loves doing videos and has cut a CD (rap) but you can starve to death trying to carve a life from that so I am pleased that he will have a trade to use to support himself while he is doing those things.  He has been so aimless.

Very soon I will be back to having the house to myself and I am looking forward to it.

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