Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28

I went shopping Friday for my trip.  I bought a new pair of walking shoes,  some underwear.  (had a 30% off at Kohl's and my present underwear was showing a lot of "wear".)  I then delivered some things to GoodWill and filled up my car and went to the pool store.  Someone lost the adapter for the air pump and blowing up pool toys by mouth is a job.  I think I will shoot the next person who loses the adapter.  They are not easy to find.  Had checked at WalMart, Academy Sports, on line, etc.

Yesterday I slept in a bit and did my laundry and then went over to Cowboy's youngest daughters house.  It was the triplets birthday so we went out to a Chinese buffet.  I really enjoyed it.  I haven't been to a Chinese buffet in years !!  (ate too much).  I watched their daughter who will be 13 next month eat oysters and sushi and such.  wow.....I had never even heard of such things at her age.  The 10 year old triplets picked all sorts of things.  One had mostly fruit, one had mostly meat and one got a variety of things.  They are definitely not anything alike.  They are like stair steps and have different color hair and eyes.  Beautiful children and I am not a bit biased.

Today I went to see Cowboy.  He was very mellow and content.  We sat outside for a long time.  I didn't have a lunch ticket and left at noon when he got his food.  Had been there about 2 hours.  Traffic was terrible coming back.  Between the Cowboys game and the State Fair there are lots of folks around here.  I noticed on the way there these pretty little pink flowers growing along the road.  Not sure what they were but obviously a fall flower.  The fields are now either dirt or golden.  The crops have been harvested.  Looks like a lot of winter wheat going in.

When I got home enjoyed the Sunday paper and TV.  Don't really want to move.  Driving down there and back takes a lot out of me but am always anxious to spend time with Cowboy.

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