Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25"

I couldn't do a day to day recount of the past few days if I wanted to.  It is all a blur.  I am getting to be a real slacker.

I went to see Cowboy last week on Tuesday and again on Friday.  We had their wonderful catfish on Friday.  He is about the same.  We seem to be on a "plateau as far as his progress.  That is a good thing but it leaves me dreading the next drop off.  A long time ago the doc told me the disease would proceed not in a straight line but in plateaus and drop offs.  It is hard to think about but I saw that happen with some of the other fellows here.  Jim is a good example.  For the longest time he could walk and talk to you and even would hug and kiss me and could feed himself and then all of the sudden he was in a wheelchair, couldn't lift his head and was only half  there and then he was in bed and passed on.  All in a few weeks.  I became acquainted with his wife and she was a sweetheart and now she isn't around anymore.

This past Saturday night the home called and said Cowboy wanted to talk to me.  He got on the phone and told me that he needed a car so he could take food to help them out.  I asked him to whom and he named one of our daughters.  As we talked he seemed teary and frustrated and said he needed to get food to "Frank".  We don't know any Frank.   I talked to him for a bit and he settled down.

On Sunday morning he called again and was happy and excited.  "Guess who came to see me?"  I couldn't guess so he said "VI!!"  Vi is a younger sister of Cowboy's that we haven't seen in years.  She lives on the west coast.   Turns out it was his eldest daughter and her husband that had driven down from Oklahoma.  They had brought birdseed and feeders and spent a good part of Sunday and then Monday morning breakfast with him.  I drove down and visited with them and with Cowboy. Lovely day, not too hot and Cowboy was having a good day.

On Wednesday I went down and we visited the dentist who was on site for the day.  He got his teeth cleaned and I got a lecture about reminding the staff more often to be sure and get him to brush and take his dentures out.  He has 3 more cavities plus a tooth that needs to come out which means modifications to his dentures so we will be scheduling those appointments.

On the home front I have been working on the yard and the house and doing research for the upcoming trip.  I am getting excited.  Budapest to Bucharest on a river boat with stops in several town that have been around since the middle ages.

Last saturday night grandson number 2 brought their kids over for 3 hours while he and his wife went out to dinner and party for his birthday.  I put their 8 month old in bed with me.  She took her bottle a bit too enthusiastically and then spit it all up all over me, the bed, and herself.  Changed the sheets and cleaned her up and then she was wide awake and wouldn't settle down.  FINALLY we got to sleep.  Don't know if I had it worse or if my daughter who took care of the three year old.  I am told she talked non stop for the whole three hours we had them.    ahhhhhh family.........

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