Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday, October 12

This will be my last post until I return from my trip.  I leave on Tuesday and fly to Frankfurt and then take a second flight to Budapest.  We will take a look around Budapest before sailing down the Danube.  Several stops in Hungary, Serbia, Croatia and end up in Bucharest, Romania before flying home.  Will arrive home on Sunday the 26th.

I hope I have covered all the bases.  The kids have my travel information and have promised to call Cowboy a time or two to check on him and the home has their numbers.

I bought a backpack today.  Have never used one but am told they make the job of carrying things around a lot easier so here we go.  One of our stops will include a dinner at a local home and as suggested, I bought a little gift.  I bought Texas wildflower seeds, a magnet and some pictures of the area to give them.

I went to see Cowboy yesterday.  Some of the ladies had brought in fixins for fajitas.  Cowboy didn't want any.  They did serve their regular lunch so he ate good, fried chicken and trimmings.  Then he ate a big piece of cake.  That ought to raise his blood sugar.   He was fidgety.  It was raining and he couldn't go outside.  It quit after lunch and so he went out when I left.  I explained to him that I was going to be gone for a couple of weeks but I suspect he will forget.  This is the longest I have ever left.  Hope he does well.

Tomorrow I pack and I have an appointment with the gastrointerologist at 3PM.  Just to find out what he already told me I suspect.

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