Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, O9ctober

All was good with the colonoscopy.  Hope he will tell me  can wait another  10 years but won't find out til go back to see the doc on the 13th.  Such a pain in the you know what.

Went to see Cowboy yesterday.  He was doing OK but got really upset with this new resident that is a bit like "Billy", always talking and bothering everyone.  We went to see the dentist and he had 3 teeth filled.  When I get home from my trip we will go back and get a tooth pulled and his partial modified. It frustrates me no end that they do such a poor job with oral hygiene.  It just doesn't seem to be on their radar.  A lot of the residents don't have any teeth and some of the rest of them have no one requesting or paying for dental care.  Talked to one wife and I get the impression a lot of it is just how difficult the whole process is and how unwilling the patients are to go through the process.  

Had a nice lunch and then I headed back.  Met with the insurance adjuster on the roof and he doesn't agree that the whole roof needs replacing.  I called the roofer and he wants to come out and take pics and address it with the insurance company  Can't do much until I get back so agreed to let him do that and we will do some negotiating.  Not a big hurry since the roof has been temporarily fixed so will address when I get back;

I went to the primary physician today and learned that my labs show I am pre-diabetic and my cholesterol is borderline high.  Am going to have to get serious about my diet.  Bone scan was good and labs were otherwise good.  He suggested I use a stool softener, add more fiber to my diet and that I should be fine.

I got a haircut and a pedicure today in preparation for the trip.  Tomorrow I plan to catch up on correspondence, bills, etc and start laying out my clothes for the trip.  May try to hit the mall and look for a backpack, although I have a nice satchel could use.  

Grandson #4 worked yesterday and painted my bathroom.  Still needs some touch up but looks pretty nice.  He left and went back to stay with his girlfriend.  I worry about him and the whole situation.  More later.

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