Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29

Got home Sunday eve.  Terribly jet lagged and with a mild cold.  Lots of sleep was in order.  Spent Monday doing laundry, going through a ton of mail and generally putting things away.

I went to see Cowboy yesterday.  He was happy to see me.  He was fine.  They were listening to a fellow play the guitar and sing western songs.  He always enjoys that.  I joined him.  When that was over we walked around a bit.  Beautiful day and lots of birds were feeding.  Nice visit.  He didn't say a word about my being gone.  His inability to keep track of time helps in that regard.

I went out today and bought underwear and socks for Cowboy and got some groceries.  My cold is about gone and I feel rested.  Another very nice day.

We are having a Halloween party at the home Friday so will make some pumpkin pies tomorrow  to take.

I had a wonderful time on the trip.  There were several single ladies to hang out with.  They were from Maryland, California, Florida and Idaho.  About all we had in common was our age.  They were fun and friendly.

The ship was very nice and comfortable.  The food was amazing.  I enjoyed every bite.  They had some sort of entertainment every night.  I liked the folk dancers the best with the gypsy band a close second.

I probably learned more history, geography and cultural details than on any trip I have ever made.  Listening to the citizens talk about the communist years and the Baltic wars makes you realize how fortunate we have been in this country during the past few decades.

We made several stops between Budapest and Bucharest. The weather was nice for most of the trip.  In the 60's for the most part. Then the last two days the wind blew terribly and on Saturday we had rain, then sleet and then snow.   To top it off the bus had a flat driving from the coast of the black sea to Bucharest.  We sat on the road for over an hour while another bus came to rescue us.  Needless to say between the delay and the weather didn't have much time to see Bucharest.  All part of the adventure I suppose.

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