Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday, October 5Fri

It was going along as a pretty good week.  I had gone to see Cowboy on Wednesday and he was doing fine.  He continues to spend a good deal of time outside.  We walked around and he commented about the bird feeders and fretted that very little of the feed had been consumed.  It is possible that the aide refilled them because I saw lots of birds last time was there, but not today.

On Thursday we had a terrible storm.  High winds.  They said up to 90 MPH.  Anyway the sun came out about five and I went outside and my yard and pool were filled with shingles off the roof.  I went to the front of the house and you could see rows of shingles standing straight up.  One shingle was lodged between two of the slats in the fence.  You think of tornadoes when you see that but it was just straight wind.

I immediately called a roofing company off of Angie's list that same evening and he came out first thing Friday AM.  He took about 5 minutes and said I was going to have to put on a new roof.  I was really hoping they could fix it for a few hundred but no such luck.  I called the insurance company while he was here and they will be out on Wednesday.   I feel really dumb but I don't know what price they use to determine the value of the house on which the deductible is based.  1% of the value of the house.  We will see.

They sent some fellows out on Friday afternoon to put some covering on the roof to prevent water from getting in the house.  Supposed to rain again.

Friday afternoon I went to pick up my daughter.  My tummy had been bothering me all day. Lots of gas.  Too much of something.  (Lordy, I hate this getting older stuff).   At the last minute they had changed her gate and I had to backtrack from one area to another.  DFW is a nightmare on a good day and right now it is all torn up with construction.  Between worrying about soiling my clothes and not knowing where I was going I was a little distracted.  Found the turn but was in the wrong lane, went to move over and sideswiped a hotel van.

There was little damage to either vehicle but the driver called her manager and was told to stay there and call the airport police.  The next thing that happened was I expelled more than gas.  We got our business taken care of and waited at the very busy airport for the policeman.  He comes, takes a quick look, asked if we exchanged info and left.

I was a bit late picking up my daughter and she had a Dr. appt to get to so they could release her from the crutches, etc.  She called the doc and let them know and off we went in a rush.  I drop her off, go home to clean up and then return to pick her up.  She is distraught.  Two more weeks of crutches.

So now I call my insurance company for the second time in one day.  That has to be pretty uncommon, hah!  I was kicking myself all the way to Timbuctu and back.  I can just imagine what this is going to do to the already high insurance rates.

I went to see Cowboy again yesterday.  He was cranky for some reason.  There was a birthday party for two of the residents and the staff and there had been food brought in and a huge cake.  Lots of visitors, noise and confusion.  Maybe that was it.  The home has a room for that sort of thing.  I think maybe they should have gone there.

Came back home, picked up my daughter and headed to grandson #2's for a birthday party for his youngest.  I did not realize she was turning 1.  What on earth has happened to the time.  Great party but noisy.  Lots of little kiddies.

I would like to say I am spending the day today in my easy chair but it is not to be.  I have a colonoscopy scheduled for in the morning.  That means drinking all that awful liquid and spending a lot of time running to the bathroom

My days should improve after that.  Have a bit more shopping to do for the trip.  I am going to buy a backpack.

Grandson #4 is coming over to take me tomorrow and then is going to help me clean up the mess from the storm.     and so it goes..........

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