Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sunday, May 24

We are having a really soggy Memorial Day weekend.  It rains every day.  Last night we had a tornado warning.  May in Texas !  I couldn't help but think about California and how much they would appreciate some of this water.

My daughter took a couple of days off and we drove down to see Cowboy on Friday.  I called the home that morning and told them we were taking him to lunch and he had been showered, shaved and had on a clean white shirt.  We went to Applebees because he likes their ribs.  This time he studied the menu for a long time but it was the dessert and drink menu.  Then he announced they didn't have ribs.  We finally interested him in fish and chips.

I took another bag of birdseed and left it with the aide.  Couldn't put it out because it was raining.

Yesterday my daughter and I went shopping and bought birthday gifts for a birthday party for one of her granddaughters (my great granddaughter).  They had planned a party at a park but had to change things up because (wait for it)......it was raining.  We ended up at a place called "Going Bonkers"  It was filled with kids and very noisy.  We had a room and managed to put way too many people in a small space but the kids loved the pizza and the very fancy cake.

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