Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19

My daughter had her surgery yesterday.  We arrived at the surgery center at 9:30.  She went for the surgery at 11 and they were finished at about 12:30.  We went for the follow up today and they told us her tissues were very healthy and they said the surgery went well.  She now has a screw in her knee as well as a bunch of stitches that will eventually dissolve as well as another larger screw that is made of a biological material that will be absorbed slowly by her body over the next 3 years.  and then some of the damaged tissue was replaced with material from a cadaver.  Wow, the wonders of what can be done today.  Today they showed us part of the video of the surgery and gave us a copy so we can watch the whole thing later if we want.  On crutches for 6 weeks and can't even bend her leg for several days.  Quite a lot of pain last night but after tonight it will start getting better.

 There are a lot of interesting details about how they do things these days but I won't go into all of it.  It just fascinates me, I find it amazing.  She started physical therapy today and goes back on Thursday so I am going to see Cowboy tomorrow.   Her son can look after her.  He is still painting baseboards but we are almost done.

God must have been planning things for us because it is a good thing I am here during this time.  She could not have managed without support.  I sure have climbed those stairs more than I would like but I am managing.

Talked to my daughter in NY today and we decided I will come up there between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We can go to the city and see the beautiful decorations and do some shopping and go to a Broadway show.  My sisters had planned on coming this fall but one of them is still fighting about getting her roof fixed so we all decided to wait until spring.  I told them we are not getting any younger, need to do this soon.  So I have my trip in October to Easter Europe and then NY in December and family coming in the spring.  Sounds nice.  Hope to maybe get to Peru next year but no plans made yet.


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