Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday, August 23

You should see me trying to wrap my daughters leg in saran wrap and a plastic bag so she can shower. It is quite a process.  Then there is the two bags of ice a day for her equipment that ices her knee and those stairs.  whew !  my fridge won't hold but two bags of ice so we go buy ice every day.  But she is doing well and has quit being so cranky.  We have two physical therapy sessions under the belt.

Yesterday Cowboy's youngest daughter came over with her brood.  She has an almost 13 year old going into 7th grade and almost 10 year triplets. Hubby is a teacher and he stayed home trying to get ready for the start of school on Monday.

They had a ball in the pool and were playing outside from 3 PM until 8 PM with a time out for some burgers and hot dogs with the trimmings.  My daughter had insisted we get a charcoal grill and I was out there trying to get it lit (prefer gas, thank you very much).   I had made cupcakes earlier in the day for them.

When we were cleaning up I picked up the bag of charcoal that was not used and the bottom fell out.  It had gotten wet.  What a mess.  All over the deck of the pool we have charcoal dust.  Too tired to clean it up tonight.  Will get to it tomorrow.  I am even a little sun burned, not good.

Woke up this morning, hauled ice upstairs, wrapped up daughters leg, brought her some cereal, etc.
Just heard from daughters oldest son, grandson #2.  They are coming over today, his first chance to visit since her surgery.   His wife was over Tuesday night with the kids but he had to work.

I am going to go see Cowboy tomorrow.  He continues to amaze.  He is going down but it is slower than a lot of the fellows there.  We have watched several of them go down and pass away this past year and a half.   It brings meaning to the term they use in the group sessions "anticipatory grief". I can't help but think about it a lot.  I think what the doctor said is true.   He is "one tough old bird".  I am grateful for every day that I can make him smile, or get a hug or hold his hand.

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