Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23

I called the lawyer on Thursday and again on Friday and he is not returning my call.  Why do I think this is going to be an uphill battle?

Friday Jayna came and sat with Cowboy and I went to the base.  Got gas, wine, some stuff at the PX and hit the commissary.  I came home $500 poorer but well stocked on just about everything.  Am getting our meds by mail now so my trips over there are going to be occasional from now on.

Friday was my birthday.  I am now 68.  I got calls from the girls, cards in the mail and a bunch of ecards.   In the evening a couple of friends took me and Cowboy for ice cream.  that was nice. 

Still no word on Cowboy's shoes.  I called them  three times last week and left word.  They told us a week when we ordered them and it has been just short of a month.  mmmmmmm......

No call about the shoes, no call from the lady at the VA, no call from the attorney.  I am sure they are all super busy and cannot appreciate that I would feel better if I could move just one thing forward.

Cowboy is doing fine.  He is sleeping, eating and mostly watching TV.  I can't get him to move around much.  Guess it is time to take him to a store and have him walk around with me.  Is way too hot to do it at home.  He can't walk far but seems like he should be moving more.  I try to get him out every couple of days but we just hibernated this weekend.

Sometimes he seems pretty confused about what is going on around him but a good deal of the time he is present and aware of things.  Can't get him to talk hardly at all and his answers often don't make a lot of sense.  He seems to really inject himself into what he is watching on TV.  He won't hardly take time to get up and go to the bathroom sometimes.

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