Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday, July 7

I got quite a bit done yesterday while Marsha was here.  Now have new placemats, napkins and a tablecloth.  I got vacuum bags, looked at artificial trees and chairs and still made it to pick up milk and bread.

Got a letter from the VA today requesting a ton of information that I am not sure I can find in connection with the last of their evaluation.  For instance, where did Cowboy last work and why did he leave and a confirmation letter from the company.  Well he left in 1993 because the company went out of business.  He retired at the age of 63.  He had been managing a retail home improvement store for several years.  The hours were long and he was on his feet constantly.   He just decided it was a good time to hang it up.  Had nothing to do with his "unemployability".  No way I can get that.  Don't quite get all of this and what it has to do with anything.  Will consult with their office next week.

I am feeling a bit down at the moment.  Can't say why.  Just have a bad case of the doldrums.  Probably need some exercise and sunshine.  With it nearly 100 every day the only time to do that is early morning.  and I have to admit I am sick to death to having the TV blaring all day every day from the minute Cowboy gets up til he goes to bed.  Today it was NCIS reruns all day.  There is probably some kind of stress attached to that, huh?

Cowboy hardly talks at all.  I get no answer or one sylable answers to most things.  He seems content and OK most of the time.  He is feeding the dog from the table, way too much and he will not stop when I ask him too.  Pretty soon she will only be able to waddle.

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